August 3, 2024 2025-02-13 14:22Courses

Course Selection Process
Course selections are not guaranteed. The school counseling staff will review your academic records and place you accordingly. Some students may be placed in required classes based on test scores and past academic performance. Deerfield students will have a total of 8 classes, one of which will be a required study hall.
General 2025-2026 Student Body
Students who are not in C.B.A. or I.B. Magnet Programs should fill out course cards for the upcoming school year, 2025-2026. The forms should be completed for the transitioning school year grade level, not the current grade.
*Non-Magnet students have any questions, contact their grade level school counselor for guidance.
C.B.A. 2025-2026 Student Body
Students who are part of the Communications & Broadcast Arts Magnet Program should fill out course cards for the upcoming school year, 2025-2026. The forms should be completed for the transitioning school year grade level, not the current grade.
*CBA students have any questions, contact their grade level school counselor for guidance.
I.B. 2025-2026 Student Body
The International Baccalaureate Magnet Program offers a pre-selected advanced courses for the four year program that allows students to not complete a course card for 2025-2026 school year. I.B. students that have any questions, should contact Ms. Carter for guidance
High School Courses
2025-2026 Course Card Samples
Pathway Courses
Broward/Florida Virtual School (BVS/FLVS)
Broward and Florida Virtual School (BVS/FLVS) offers full-time and part-time enrollment to students in grades K-12 through an online educational delivery system. B.V.S. offers equitable access to high quality, individualized education, through the internet and other distance learning technologies where students have the opportunity to earn a standard high school diploma entirely online. Students must meet eligibility criteria.
The virtual environment provides flexibility of time and location. Students may learn wherever they are, whenever they choose, maintaining a specified course pace. Successful online students are self-disciplined, motivated to learn, possess time management skills, and 21st century technology skills.
Students wishing to take online courses should speak to their school counselor.
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Through Career and Technical Education Programs of study students graduate from high school academically and technologically prepared for postsecondary education/college and to begin their career. Students who select a C.T.E. program/high school major area of interest and who successfully complete the prescribed sequence of courses will have the opportunity to work towards:
• A College-Ready Diploma that includes high rigor academics and a C.T.E. program of study, with work-based experiences through an internship, On-the-Job-Training (O.J.T.), clinical rotations, or job shadowing.
• The award of a technical program certificate.
• Articulated postsecondary/college credits at recognized institutions of higher learning that will save students time and money in the pursuit of their post secondary education.
• One or more credentials/licenses recognized by business and industry.
• The Florida Bright Futures/Gold Seal Scholarship Award.
Students who earn a Gold Standard Industry Certification, also earn articulated credits to the state colleges. For a list of Gold Standard Industry Certifications go here.
English Language Learners (ELL)
Students whose language of origin is other than English have educational needs that are somewhat different from those of native English-speaking students. Students in the English for Speakers of Other Languages (E.S.O.L.) program are required to meet the same curriculum standards as any other student in English and content area instruction. Teachers provide comprehensible instruction to English Language Learners through the use of E.S.O.L. instructional strategies. The School Counselor Department and E.L.L. contact personnel will offer assistance in determining the appropriate placement, testing, and language assessment of E.L.L.
Exceptional Student Education (ESE)
Eligibility for the Exceptional Student Education Program is based on district and state requirements. The Individual Educational Plan (I.E.P.) Committee is responsible for making educational placement decisions, determining appropriate educational services, and developing an I.E.P. for eligible students. The school’s E.S.E. Specialist will offer assistance in determining the appropriate placement of E.S.E. students.
Honors Program
Honors courses are also offered in most subjects for students wishing to pursue a more rigorous course of study. Placement in Honors courses is based upon many factors including previous academic record and standardized test results. All students are strongly urged to challenge themselves by attempting Honors courses. Honors courses also include Pre-AICE, Pre-IB, IB MYP and Pre-AP courses.
Magnet Programs
Magnet Program expand educational choices for students. The programs offer students unique opportunities for in-depth experiences and study in specific areas of interest. Each Magnet program emphasizes a specialized theme. The programs set high expectations for all students to improve student achievement, prepare for college careers of the 21st Century. In addition, Magnet Programs offer students real-world and hands-on experiences through internship and mentorship opportunities.
Explore Magnet Options with Deerfield Beach High:
• Communications/Broadcast Arts Program
College-Level Courses
Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)
The Cambridge International Program prepares students for college and careers by offering a curriculum of rigor that is recognized internationally, preparing them for post-secondary coursework, and allowing the opportunity for students to earn college credits while in high school. The Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) courses will allow our students the opportunity to earn the International AICE diploma, an internationally renowned special diploma that is recognized by colleges and universities all over the world.
Advanced Placement Program (AP)
The Advanced Placement Program consists of over 37 college level courses and exams across 22 subject areas that are offered at high schools. Courses are available in several subject areas from art to statistics. Participation in A.P. courses gives students an excellent preparation for college and university studies. Successful completion of the course and receipt of a qualifying score on the national A.P. exam may result in college credit or advanced placement in college courses at many colleges and universities.
Advanced Placement courses are offered to all interested and qualified students wishing to pursue the most rigorous course of study. The prerequisites vary according to each discipline. Students who select an A.P. course are expected to complete the course and sit for the A.P. Exam.
Dual Enrollment (DE)
Dual Enrollment Program is an acceleration program that allows high school students to simultaneously earn credit toward high school completion while earning a career certificate or an associate or baccalaureate degree at a Florida public postsecondary institution. High school students who meet program requirements may concurrently enroll in courses that are creditable toward a post-secondary certificate, Associate’s degree, or Bachelor’s degree at technical centers, Broward College, and state universities.
Students must meet the following requirements:
• Earn a minimum of 11 credits prior to enrollment.
• Earn a minimum 3.0 unweighted grade point average prior to enrollment (2.0 for technical dual enrollment).
• Obtain approval from parent and from the high school principal.
• Obtain minimum ACT, CPT, SAT or PERT placement scores prior to enrollment.
• Select courses from the approved list.
• Satisfy any required prerequisites.
• Maintain a 3.0 unweighted g.p.a. (2.0 in technical dual enrollment) in high school coursework and a 2.0 college g.p.a. in order to continue in the program.
• The 3.0 high school g.p.a. is inclusive of any Dual Enrollment College Courses taken.
• Conform to all School Board and post-secondary institution policies and procedures.
Three-credit (or equivalent) postsecondary courses taken through dual enrollment that are not listed on the FLORIDA D.O.E. DUAL ENROLLMENT COURSE – HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECT AREA EQUIVALENCY LIST shall be awarded 0.5 high school credits, either as an elective or as designated in the local inter-institutional articulation agreement.
NOTE: Most three credit hour dual enrollment courses equate to one-half (.5) high school credit, but some three and four credit hour dual enrollment courses equate to one (1.0) high school credit.
Early Admissions Program (EA)
Early admission is another form of dual enrollment through which eligible students enroll in an eligible college on a full-time basis during the last year of high school. Both high school and college credit will be awarded when attending colleges where an articulation agreement in is force.
Students must meet the following requirements:
- Must be entering the last year of high school based upon declared graduation date prior to enrollment
- Must complete all graduation requirements with the exception of those requirements that can be met in the last year of high school prior to enrollment in early admission
- Must be enrolled in a Broward County public high school at least one semester prior to seeking early admission
- Earn a minimum 3.0 unweighted grade point average prior to enrollment
- Must be accepted by a post-secondary institution authorized by Florida law or accredited
- Obtain approval from the high school principal and parent
- Select appropriate courses to satisfy graduation requirements
- Maintain a 2.0 GPA in college coursework in order to continue in the program
- Conform to all School Board and post-secondary institution policies and procedures
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