A Balanced Meal

ePathfinderErik MirandaPerspectives

A Balanced Meal

The debate about controlled school menus

Regulated school menus have long been an argument within school boards. Some parents say that with a controlled school lunch, their children will eat less or refuse to eat, while school boards claim that a managed school lunch provides children with a healthy and balanced diet. However, there is no definite answer to this debate.

Schools are more than welcome to offer healthy food items like fruits and vegetables during lunch, but they should not be able to dictate what pupils put on their trays. It’s a given for schools to give options that aren’t destructive for one’s health. Nevertheless, if a child does not want a fruit or a vegetable, they should not be forced to put one on their plate. Forcing a child to consume an item they refuse to pick up on their tray will only lead to that food item being wasted and thrown away.

Wasted food is a problem, but with a regulated lunch menu, one can also argue that kids can get healthier food which could improve their academic behavior. Many studies show that healthy diets improve students academically and behaviorally. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that eating with balance can improve brain function, memory, and concentration.

With supervised options, students will not only improve their education but will also be healthier overall.

A common example of a rising health concern amongst children is childhood obesity. While it has slowed down over the years, it is still a rising issue. Now, a balanced menu cannot put an indefinite end to this, but it could help prevent it. These meals can ensure a healthy intake of the right nutrients that fulfill bodily needs to a tee.

While both sides of the debate have valid arguments, there is no correct answer for all families with children in school. It’s up to choices upon choices from kids on what to consume for the betterment of their education.

Written by Erik Miranda | Graphic Designed by Erik Miranda