A Coach’s Duty

ePathfinderIsabella CournyeaSports

A Coach’s Duty

Spring Break’s Part in Team Improvement

As the third quarter closes, spring break, the long-awaited time off has approached students and staff of Broward schools. It leaves activities, notably high school sports, at a possible impasse. Deerfield Beach High coaches decide whether to let the time be and let their players rest during spring break or ensure progress continues even away from campus.

If progress falters, a coach cannot help but feel responsible. A week may seem insignificant compared to months or years of practice. Still it may be the right amount of time for some players to and struggle to get their heads back into the game. Therefore, the coaches at DBHS have put in the effort to ensure they stay persistent in progress.

One determined staff member, Boys’ Volleyball Coach Debbie Debrocq, describes how she will incorporate practices in addition to the time off. “We will try to practice for two to three days during

Spring Break. Our gym is closed, so we will try to coordinate with Deerfield Beach Middle to use their gym or meet in a park,” Coach Debrocq said.

As a beacon of guidance and responsibility for their teams, the coaches must ensure genuine progression. To monitor such, the teams will often meet instead of blindly trusting players will use maximum effort in unchaperoned practice.

“I accompany the team to the practices we have on Tuesday and Thursday,” Assistant Softball Coach Vincent Tozzi said. “I see it as a simple check-up to make sure they still get some practice while enjoying the time off.”

Other DBHS coaches achieve a similar balance. Touching up during a time where some may find their skills falling deficient is still a priority to the teams.

“We’re meeting up twice during the week, and it’s nothing different than what we did on campus. All that changed was that there was a school day then, and for now, there’s not.” senior softball player Lauren Weeden said.

With practices still happening, there is hope that improvement will follow. As with any sport, expectations for how everyone will leave break and step back into their games tag along.

“I hope that we have a few practices during Spring Break. We don’t want the week off to put us back and continue to improve. We have three games in a row right after the break, so we need to be ready,” Coach Debrocq said.

Spring break is a time for all to kick back and relax; however, there is fear that progress can stumble. Coaches of DBHS take pride in their Bucks and therefore don’t mind spending a day or two keeping the teams in good condition during everyone’s time off.

Written by Isabella Cournyea | Graphic Designed by Isabella Cournyea