A Gift From Bethune

ePathfinderFeatureOlivia Lessard

A Gift From Bethune

Band Members Make It Big Time

Graduation is coming up as seniors will soon say goodbye to the home of the bucks. That said, many plan to take their education to the next level in college. But with outrageous tuition, living fees, and more, financial preparations can be a stressful experience. Luckily for five of DBHS’ band members, they have been given a grand opportunity.

Bethune Cookman University has found a place in its heart to award scholarships to outstanding band students. Donovan Wells, director of bands from BCU, traveled down to the home of the bucks to audition seniors in the marching band. In the end, five talented individuals were each given a scholarship. Awarded the handsome amounts were Roger Williams, Jaykob Tirado, Javan Lewis, Kenton Cramer, and Jason Jeobaum.

Each of the boys was tasked with a different set of instructions to follow. Although different, they revolved around knowing all twelve major scales, chromatic scales, four minor scales, a solo, and sight-reading. Roger was requested to play a couple of fundamentals, a solo, and sight-read music. For his performance, he was granted an astounding $9,000. The amount was determined by which instrument he played, the snare.

“Some schools would want more of a certain instrument because of how small of an amount they have at their schools,” says Jason Jeobaum, “For example, French horn players are almost always valued more than other instrument players.”

Despite that, Jeobaum stayed true to his skill and trusted in his instrument, the mellophone, to succeed. Because of it, he was awarded a scholarship covering $11,000 per year.

However, while all the boys received hefty dollar amounts from BCU, only Javan Lewis plans on attending. He will use his scholarship of $11,000 to fulfill his college career. Jason has his mind set on becoming a member of the Marching 100 for FAMU but is incredibly grateful for the offer.

The performance was a valuable experience for all the seniors. It was an excellent chance to show their musical prowess and win money. While not all decided to take the offer, this will lead to other opportunities. Other schools will have heard of what BCU took note of and hopefully recognize their potential.

Written by Olivia Lessard | Graphic Designed by Olivia Lessard