A Memorable Senior Year

ePathfinderNancy CastanedaNews

A Memorable Senior Year

Senior Events by the Brace Department 

Four years of high school can feel like they passed by in a blink of an eye. Although the class of 2021 hasn’t received the usual senior year experience, the BRACE department is hosting special events like Senior Destination Day and Senior Award Night to make their last year memorable.

The easiest way for seniors to remain informed about all events, scholarship opportunities, and deadlines is to continuously check the Canvas page that Denise Cruz, the BRACE advisor, created to keep students updated. If any senior does not see the BRACE Place as a course on their Canvas Dashboard, they can email Ms. Cruz at Denise.Figueroa-cruz@browardschools.com.

Senior Destination Day is a special day for seniors to be recognized for all their hard work and highlight their plans after high school. Some students join the workforce, and others go to college or enroll in the military, but regardless of their choice, they should all send a picture to Ms. Cruz to make it a day all about their achievements and plans.

Pictures for Senior Destination Day must be submitted using this link by April 15th. All seniors can showcase their next steps after high school by sending a picture of themselves. They can do something as simple as wearing a hoodie or t-shirt with their future college or stand outside the corporation they plan to work for. If a senior submits a photo and their plan changes, they can email Ms. Cruz their final decision along with a picture.

The Senior Award Night ceremony will shine the spotlight on all the outstanding seniors who worked hard throughout high school. Different organizations will come together to award scholarships to select students. A special medallion award will be given to the most scholarship recipient, so seniors can use this link to notify Ms. Cruz of all the scholarships they have received.

To make the ceremony as exceptional as possible, a slideshow displaying the numerous activities seniors love to do will be presented during an intermission. To be featured in the slideshow, seniors can send in a short video or boomerang of themselves doing something that makes them happy to this link.

The BRACE department has put these events together as a way to recognize the graduating class of 2021. As the school year almost nears the end, seniors now have the task of making these events feel personalized by submitting photos to make it a memorable senior year.

Written by Nancy Castaneda | Graphic Designed by Nancy Castaneda
