After School Tutoring

ePathfinderMario ThomasNews

After School Tutoring

Extended learning opportunities

After returning from a long and deserved summer break, some of Deerfield Beach High School’s students are entering the 2022-23 school year stressed. Factors contributing to some of these students’ stress are credit recovery, college admissions tests, and courses that may be found difficult.

To lessen the burden on the students, DBHS has reintroduced its after-school tutoring program. After-school tutoring will take place every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Additional help is offered at Saturday School from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Deerfield Beach High.

Recharging students’ energy and nutrition are crucial for keeping focus during schoolwork. For participating students, a free meal will be available on Mondays-Wednesdays immediately after school at 2:40 p.m. in the cafeteria.

“Tutoring is designed to provide additional individualized support to students seeking assistance in particular benchmarks and standards.” says Assistant Principal, Arnita Williams.

Over 1,000 students attend Deerfield Beach High School; all with different skills, minds, and procedures for learning. Everyone is slowly discovering what works best for their situations. However, these so-called “benchmarks and standards” like checking off graduation requirements or studying a curriculum in a specific time bracket, etc. might move at a pace that’s too fast. Fortunately, after-school tutoring covers a multitude of courses.

Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Biology, Lyrical Expression, and FAU Upwardbound STEM are offered on Mondays as well as SAT/ACT prep. Geometry, ELA, credit recovery, Biology, Lyrical Expression, and FAU Upwardbound STEM are offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Geometry, Biology, ELA test prep, and credit recovery are available on Saturdays if weekdays are unsuitable. Other than these subjects, credit recovery is also provided for students during this time.

This program is vital for Deerfield Beach High’s success as a school, but it would not be possible without teachers and staff that are willing to put in hours to help students in their ventures to success.

After-school tutoring is a wonderful opportunity for all DBHS students, especially those who need extra help or credit recovery. Kids are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to aid them in becoming more academically sound. Interested students may use this link  to sign up for all tutoring options.

Written by Mario Thomas | Graphic Designed by Mario Thomas
