Age of Vikings

ePathfinderFeatureJeffrey Paz

Age of Vikings

The lost culture of Scandinavians

Although Vikings left a substantial impact on humanity, they have been lost to time. The expeditious warriors from Scandinavia’s influence on different cultures has shaped the way modern-day objects are created. Vikings come from the lands of modern-day Denmark, Norway, and Sweden during the late 8th to the early 11th centuries.

Vikings are known as explorers due to their skills in seafaring to raid lands. Instead of being in one population in unison, they are other tribes and groups. While raiding other lands, they established routes for trading and traveled all around Europe with the help of their ship-building skills.

Their trading and traveling led to exchanges between different cultures, causing the different influences the Vikings had on other cultures.

Although they traded with others, they still raided coastal communities to establish their fierceness and reputation as fearsome warriors.

When they colonized other lands like the Danelaw in England and Normandy in France, this led to their government and building structures being affected. Old Norse was the language used by the Vikings, leading to other languages being embedded in it too.

Along with their language becoming rooted in other languages, the Viking’s technology, advanced for their time, added to different cultures. Their weapons, tools, and jewelry were the work of their craftsmanship with woodworking, metalworking, and shipbuilding. These attributes were a considerable contribution to the culture and the technology leading up to modern times. The creation of Norse mythology provided examples of the values within their society. These beliefs have become embedded within the stories of gods and heroes of their lands.

One of the main reasons why Vikings became forgotten in history is the addition of religion. Due to Christianity being a substantial influence across Scandinavia, Vikings became more peaceful, their culture evolving into something more. Instead of raiding societies, they spread their Christianity with those other cultures.

As of now, the way Vikings are part of society is in different forms of media such as movies, shows, books, and games such as God of War Ragnarök. Even though Vikings aren’t roaming around today, they live on through history and spirit. Their presence may have been forgotten, but their culture is everlasting.

Written by Jeffery Paz  | Graphic Designed by Jeffery Paz