Animal Intellect

ePathfinderFeatureWidelandine Emilcar

Animal Intellect

Animal vs. human sentience

Solving puzzles, showing empathy, picking locks, and learning words are a few skills accompanied by the complex intelligence of animals. However, animals are also just as responsive and incredibly conscious.

Animals constantly display an intellect similar to humans. While research has demonstrated animal intelligence, routines, and their similarities to humans, some are noticeable, while others are hardly recognized. For example, it is well known that animals eat, sleep and communicate in their ways the same as humans.

Animals can also possess human-like traits. For one, research has proven elephants show an unusual interest in the dead bodies of other elephants that go through the stages of decomposition. This uncanny fascination signals their interest in death, and perhaps hint at their consciousness about mortality.

Similarly, a study by researchers ascertained that the common idea of fish having a three-second memory is inaccurate. Scientists were able to set up many experiments to teach fish basic math. They conducted these experiments by using colors. During the experiments, the researchers trained the animals to recognize the colors blue and yellow, blue meant to add one, and yellow meant to subtract one.

They showed each fish card with shapes displaying either color in their tank and then presented them with two gates. One of which was the correct mathematical number. An explanatory example was if a fish saw three blue shapes, it would add one to three and swim through a gate displaying four shapes, gaining a food reward for answering correctly.

Another simple yet sophisticated trait animals possess is their ability to alter and modify themselves. It is well-known that animals can adapt to their environments to reinforce living standards. However, animals have gone as far as adapting to humans. For instance, dolphins are a well-known group of species when referred to as animal intelligence. This is because of the unique language and their way of communication.

A research study has discovered that dolphins in southern Brazil developed a distinct accent after more than 100 years of sustained interaction with the local fishermen. Furthermore, not only have dolphins grown these interactional changes but other species additionally. This includes general areas of birds; parrots, macaws, starlings, crows, etc.

Animal intellect is measured by their level of consciousness and ability to learn and adapt. As time passes and more research is conducted, humans continue to understand the intricate psychology of these beings. Within each finding, they exemplify an incredible intelligence befitting a majestic creature.

Written by Widelandine Emilcar | Graphic Designed by Widelandine Emilcar