Animation at Its Best

ePathfinderKimarea MoiseNews

Animation at Its Best

Yu-Gi-Oh club

Animation has become a big global phenomenon over time from books and video games to even old-school card games. Yu-Gi-Oh is a famous 90s manga series that also has a card game alternative, similar to the Pokémon series. As a reply, Deerfield Beach High School gives students a chance to interact with other peers that are fond of this materialized animation during Yu-Gi-Oh club. Anime has not just become a form of storytelling, but also a lifestyle.

The club mostly finds this space to be for playing the card game along with the occasional series binging. The trading card game developed and published by the video game company KONAMI is based on the fictional story of a boy named Yugi Motou and the universe within it. The game allows players to play with monsters, spells, and traps accompanied by futuristic designs that could be offered for a prize. Players trade and fight to defend with different scales of power, level, attributes, artwork, lore, attacks, and border. Members meet every Tuesday after school at 2:45 p.m. in classroom 132.

The concept of a match is played by two people who attempt to defeat each other by decreasing their opponent’s life points down to zero. To be eligible for gameplay, players must have a main deck, extra deck, and side deck. The game has proven to be exceedingly difficult for new players, so it is best to gather some experience first, especially in the form of a school activity.

“It provides a safe space and a great place to express emotions and educate each other,” DBHS Yu-Gi-Oh club advisor Mr. Horne said when asked if he believes that this club brings together students alike.

The get-together can provide opportunities for social-emotional learning and growth for students of various backgrounds and stimulate fast-thinking. The Yu-Gi-Oh club creates a safe environment for learners who are interested in the series meaning many students can incorporate their differences into the things they are interested in.

Written by Kimarea Moise | Graphic Designed by Kimarea Moise
