August 11, 2024 2024-08-11 22:08Attendance

Report an Absence
Parents are encouraged to report their child’s excused absence using one of these three options:
When reporting an absence, include the following information:
1. Name of parent reporting absence
2. Phone number of parent reporting absence
3. Child’s first and last name
4. Child’s school I.D. number or date of birth
5. Child’s grade level
6. Date of absence
7. Reason for absence
Students must be in school unless the absence has been excused for one of the reasons listed below. For reasons 1-5, parents must report the absence the day before, the day of, or within two (2) school days following the absence, or the absence will be considered unexcused. Some situations will require written documentation from a private physician or public health unit.
Excused absences include:
1. Illness of student. If a doctor states in writing that the student will be absent for fifteen (15) or more days, the guidance department should be notified so the Homebound Instructional Program can be arranged.
2. Illness of an immediate family member.
3. Death in the family.
4. Religious holidays of the students own specific faith.
5. Special events IF the student gets permission from the school at least five (5) days in advance. Such trips refer to exceptional cases of family need, college visitations, or trips of an academic nature.
The S.T.E.P. Program addresses tardiness at D.B.H.S. The Tardy Procedure Plan is a disciplinary consequence for failure to adhere to the tardy rule.
1. All classroom doors will be locked when the tardy bell rings.
2. No students will be admitted to class after the tardy bell without a pass. If a teacher receives a questionable pass, please notify the student’s administrator.
3. The administrative staff and security team will escort students that are in the hallway after the tardy bell and direct them to S.T.E.P.
4. All students that enter S.T.E.P. before the 15-minute grace period will be given a pass and or consequence back to class.
5. All students that enter R.I.S.E. after the grace period expires will remain in R.I.S.E. for the remainder of the block.
6. Doctor or dental appointment IF the parent notifies the school of the date appointment time.
7. Internal suspension.
● First Offense: Will serve as a warning and will be used to inform students that they must be in class prior to the third bell.
● Second Offense: Student will be issued a second final warning before a parent is notified.
● Third Offense: Student will be issued an after-school detention.
● Forth Offense: Student will stay in R.I.S.E. for the remainder of the block. The S.T.E.P. monitor will e-mail the student’s administrator. Administrator will contact the student’s parent and inform the student and parent of future consequences.
● Fifth Offense: Student will be assigned (1) day of Saturday school or 1 day of R.I.S.E. The S.T.E.P. monitor will e-mail the student’s administrator.
● Sixth Offense: Student will be assigned (1) day of R.I.S.E. The S.T.E.P. monitor will e-mail the student’s administrator.
● Seventh Offense: Student will be assigned (2) days in rise. The S.T.E.P. monitor will e-mail the student’s administrator.
● Eighth Offense: Student will be assigned (3) days in rise. The S.T.E.P. monitor will e-mail the student’s administrator.
Deerfield Beach High School uses a system-wide grade management program called Focus. One of the most important features of this system is the Parent Internet Viewer. This allows parents and students to access real-time grades and attendance via the internet to stay up-to-date on progress in classes. The viewer allows parents to receive email alerts when their child’s grade drops below a specified average or when they are absent from a class.
Follow this link to see a performance – Focus Portal
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