Back on the Field

ePathfinderJasraj SarkarNolan DebrocqSports

Back on the Field

Preview of the upcoming soccer season

The Deerfield Beach High Bucks boys’ soccer team went 4-6-2 in the 2021-2022 regular season. They reached the playoffs and had one win as well as one loss. The boys were one game short of reaching the regionals.

Entering the 2022-2023 soccer season, the Deerfield Beach High Bucks boys’ soccer team is aiming to reach the regionals this year. The training this year for the boys’ soccer team includes stretching and then conditioning but also consists of scrimmages so Coach Eduard can pinpoint where the weak points of their game are in hopes of improving it.

“As a team, we like to push each other and compete with one another in every single practice to both better our personal and team game,” senior goalkeeper Lucas Schaffer said.

The Deerfield Beach High Bucks girls’ soccer team had one win against Northeast in the 2021-2022 regular season with a whopping score of 7 to 0.

The girls’ soccer team is looking forward to not only getting a couple of wins and leaving the season stronger than they came in, but they also aim to try their best and give it their all as a team. Their practices start with a few drills, then move into scrimmages and finish off with strength training drills. The team is very excited and encouraging to one another, offering helping hands to each other to start and finish strong this season.

“As a team, we plan to try our best and give it our all,” senior forward and goalie Thania Geffard said. “At the end of the season, we want to look back and have a couple of wins, but most leave stronger than how we came into the season.”

Both the girls’ and boys’ teams are looking to improve from last season. With returning players and newcomers on the team, Deerfield is set up for success.

Written by Jasraj Sarkar | Graphic Designed by Nolan Debrocq