Buck’s Breaking Par

Addison CalvetePathfinderSports

Buck’s Breaking Par

DBHS expectations for golf 2024-2025

As Deerfield Beach High School Bucks Tee off their season confidently, they are ready and prepared for the upcoming matches. Last year as there was only one person on the team, the golf at DBHS struggled. Now with the 2024-25 season, six members of the team have worked hard in the preseason, and the Deerfield Beach Bucks seem to be on the green. 

“This is the best team we have had in my 20 years of coaching here,” said golf coach Johnston. Going into this season with high expectations the Bucks are excited and ready. 

As golf is an incredibly challenging sport it is not all mechanical, it is also very demanding on the mind. As golf is a mental sport, the team knows they must stay calm during matches to stay focused. 

“We want people to know who we are,” said DBHS freshman Kolton Viveros.

 As the golf team has not had the best status over the past years, the members of the 2024-2025 season are determined to change that. They are working hard this season they practice Everday from 3-6 after school to make sure they are their best for their matches. 

The Deerfield Beach Bucks have a 7-0 record winning streak against schools like Boca Raton, Douglas, Pompano Beach, and more. The Bucks’ next match is at St Thomas against Jacaranda at 3 pm. Come cheer on your fellow Bucks as they continue their win streak.

Written by Addison Calvet  | Graphic Designed by Perla Aguirre