Bucks Step Up to the Mound

Caroline SaisePathfinderSports

Bucks Step Up to the Mound

The 2022 baseball season is underway

Bucks baseball returns with a team eager to take on the 2022 season. The team is hoping to accomplish many feats and eliminate the competition. They plan on flourishing through practicing and building chemistry with one another.

“The best thing we can do is gain experience. We have a young team, but we also have some good older players with experience to teach and help the younger kids,” sophomore centerfielder Conner Phillips said. 

In a typical practice, the players head to batting on the field and in the cages. The Bucks work on all of their defensive plays to limit errors in the game.

“We have a warm-up routine, do our daily workouts based on what positions we play, and then we work on our fielding, base running, or hitting,” junior outfielder Blake Martin said.

With enough practice, they are guaranteed to win many games. Each player is highly dedicated and willing to go far into the playoffs.

“I expect for our team chemistry to improve throughout the season, but I mainly expect us to win a lot of games,” Martin said. 

Phillips hopes the team will play for the district championship. He plans to help get them there by taking risks.

“Playing baseball my whole life has taught me many things, but the most important thing is, big risks equal even bigger rewards,” Phillips said.

However, skill is not everything. The players recognize the significance that other values hold to the game. 

“What makes a good baseball player is their love and passion for the game,” junior Blake Martin said. 

According to Phillips, mindset and stability play a pivotal role. If a player has a negative attitude, it can affect the whole team.

“A good baseball player is strong mentally and can keep their composure when they struggle. Baseball is a game of failure,” Phillips said. 

Baseball is substantial to the team and has taught the players lessons in many other aspects of their life. For Martin, it was the value of teamwork. 

“Baseball has taught me that you can’t do everything on your own and that sometimes you’re going to need the help of other people to succeed.” 

The team will undoubtedly excel through their perseverance, team chemistry, and existing devotion to the game. They opened the regular season with a 20-10 win against the Northeast Hurricanes.

Written by Caroline Sais | Graphic Designed by Caroline Sais