Building the Experience

ePathfinderFeatureWidelandine Emilcar

Building the Experience

DBHS magnet programs

The Deerfield Beach High School magnet open house welcomed considering applicants on December 6th. Students proceeded to look at the multitude of choices the school has to offer in hopes of catering for all types of prosperous minds that incoming freshmen present. DBHS provides a variety of programs to enhance students’ high school experience, along with many great opportunities.

Each program has its unique focus and offers different opportunities for students to enhance their experiences. There are many choices to make within the Communication Broadcast Arts (CBA) program; involving digital design, film, social media, photojournalism, newspaper, and more. Students can learn to bring animations to life, write compelling stories, or capture captivating images through a hands-on experience. CBA students also have the opportunity to take licensed tests for platforms such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Primer to test their abilities.

The CBA program hosts students that have a strong motivation and eagerness to learn. These students have learned to adapt to new environments and open their shells to social experiences. Individuals in the program are also provided with the technology and communication skills to help them pursue creative careers.

“The most important thing that I have taught students is to be persistent,” said CBA Magnet Coordinator and Teacher Jeffrey Romance. “To keep working at a goal, no matter how large it seems, it is usually attainable through hard work and persistence.”

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program provides students with a prestigious education recognized worldwide in over 150 countries/territories. IB is a rigorous program that enriches its students through challenges and exercising their critical thinking. Considered a liberal arts program that focuses on all subjects, its central purpose is to prepare students for college. Time management is an important skill set to maintain within the IB program.

“Students have to manage their time because there is a lot of work,” said IB Secretary Ms. Johnston-Bush. “But it does not mean they can’t be successful. A lot of our students are involved in clubs, sports as well as other volunteering activities, so if they manage their time, it is durable”.

“IB has made me want to work hard,” said sophomore Zhiqi Wang. “What I like most about the IB program is that it helps students succeed.”

Students come out of the IB program as caring young people who have the resources to create a better and understanding world through knowledge that is consistent with respect and diversity.

The Urban Teacher Academy Program (UTAP) is designed to prepare students for a career in teaching in urban schools located in Broward County. The program provides a comprehensive curriculum and field experience to ensure that students are well-equipped to enter the teaching profession. UTAP teaches students public speaking, how to create lesson plans, and how to influence others.

“I love how comfortable the UTAP program has made me with public speaking,” said DBHS sophomore Amanda Namor. “UTAP has prepared me for my life after graduation by giving me knowledge for influencing and organizing others.”

DBHS has a lot to offer students who are interested, motivated, and eager to learn. For students who want to learn communication skills, boast their knowledge and pick up crafts that can help them be advanced or prepared for the future. Many great opportunities have been granted to DBHS alumni with the encouragement of its prestigious magnet programs.

Written by Widelandine Emilcar | Graphic Designed by Widelandine Emilcar