Call Them Cupid

ePathfinderIsabella CournyeaNews

Call Them Cupid

MTL delivers cupid’s roses

February has begun, meaning heart-shaped decor, chocolate boxes, and preparing to ask out that special someone this Valentine’s Day. Deerfield Beach High School’s Mentoring Tomorrow’s Leaders team (MTL) is helping students muster up their romantic courage. Whether it’s a hidden crush or just friends, everyone is welcome to send their loved one’s roses.

Orders are five dollars and must be paid before the deadline on Friday, February 10th. Payments are due at the rotunda or on the estore which can be found on the DBHS website or linked through the QR code on flyers around the school. MTL aims to collect cash during A and B lunches on gold days. Any money-sharing apps such as Zelle or Cash App will not be accepted.

It’s a common fact that everyone experiences their feelings of love distinctly, and MTL ensures nobody gets left out. Deerfield Beach High has continuously kept the tradition of buying and sending romantic omens alive by acknowledging all types of bonds as a priority this year. MTL strives to recognize various kinds of love, whether it be romantic or platonic.

The roses come in three colors depending on how the sender feels about the receiver. Each color symbolizes a type of fellowship, ensuring inclusivity for the whole student body. Red is for couples already in a relationship, pink is for crushes, and white is for friendships. A personalized message and a goodie bag filled with selected treats will be attached as well. Senders may request to remain anonymous.

All roses will be delivered to the recipients on Valentine’s Day, February 14th. Members will bring roses and associated goodie bags to students throughout the day. Everyone is encouraged to post their roses using #cupidroses2023 and follow MTL’s Instagram account @dbhs_mtl. Their Instagram account may also be messages for more information.

Written by Isabella Cournyea | Graphic Designed by Isabella Cournyea
