Capturing the High School Experience

ePathfinderKiet LeNewsSandrene Johnson

Capturing the High School Experience

Underclassmen Picture Retakes 

When yearbooks come out in May, students can flip through portraits with their friends to reflect on memories while creating more at the same time.

Missing picture day hinders students from creating these special moments because their portraits will not be in the yearbook with the rest of their classmates.

To ensure that many students do not miss this opportunity, underclassmen picture retakes will be at Deerfield Beach High School on Tuesday, November 16th, and Wednesday, November 17th. All 9th, 10th, and 11th graders who missed the first scheduled picture days will have the chance to take their makeup photos.

Underclassmen who have a study hall period on gold days will take their picture on Tuesday, while those who have a study hall period on red days will take their picture on Wednesday in the 280 corridor.

Teachers received an email regarding this makeup picture day schedule. Only the students that need a makeup picture should visit the 280 hallway during their allotted time.

To capture the smile on students’ faces, they will be asked to remove their masks if they are wearing one. Social distancing will be kept in mind as students will be near each other and Lifetouch staff. An on-campus picture day was not possible last year due to covid-19.

With the number of rising cases, a picture day would jeopardize the safety of students and staff. This year, it is necessary for students to take advantage of events and opportunities to have an enriching high school experience.

Written by Sandrene Johnson | Graphic Designed by Kiet Le
