Catching up on the Tennis Court

Caroline SaisePathfinderNolan DebrocqSports

Catching up on the Tennis Court

Insight into the tennis season

The tennis team at Deerfield Beach High has had a roller coaster of a season so far. They started the season with a loss against Pompano Beach High and currently have a record of 3-2. Senior Andrew Hayes is one of the best players on the team and does his best to win every match he can. He is satisfied with the team’s performance so far this season. 

“I think we have performed very well. Every match we play we try and put all our effort into it, and I think it shows in our games,” Hayes said. 

The team is composed of everyone from freshmen to seniors, so there is a good mix of experience and leadership for the younger players. Given that she is one of the youngest on the team, freshman Katie Hayes is a great contributor to the DBHS tennis program. 

“I always support the team, even if we lose,” Katie Hayes said. “I feel like that’s one of the most important parts of a team.” 

Deerfield has the talent to compete with any team. The top players are Andrew Hayes and senior Austin Wengrovitz for the boys. Sophomore Sachi Soubra and Katie Hayes lead the way for the girls’ side. 

“I think the girls have played very well. Whether it’s supporting each other or fighting for every point, we still have a lot of fun,” Junior Melissa Labadessa said. 

The Bucks will finish out the season with back-to-back home games. On Tuesday, April 5th Deerfield will go against Coral Springs and on Wednesday, April 6th they will play Nova High School. They look to end their season on a high note walking off their courts victorious.

Written by Nolan Debrocq | Graphic Designed by Caroline Sais