Certified Society Members

Anna MujicaePathfinderKimarea MoiseNews

Certified Society Members

NHS inductions take place at DBHS

The National Honor Society (NHS) is a prestigious organization that recognizes high school students who have demonstrated excellence in academics, leadership, character, and service. Each spring, NHS at Deerfield Beach High School holds induction ceremonies to welcome new and participating members. The induction ceremony is a special occasion that requires students to wear professional attire with careful planning and preparation by the advisers involved.

The NHS induction ceremony took place on Thursday, April 28th, at Deerfield Beach High School’s auditorium. During this ceremony, students who had accomplished and contributed to the club were recognized and received awards. New members of the club were also welcomed and received a warm reception from the existing members. Parents and staff were also present to support the members and the upcoming ones.

“I am part of NHS and it was my first year, I felt honored for receiving my first award and happy that I got recognition for it and the work I did to help the club,” said DBHS sophomore Tamara Wilson.

Membership in the National Honor Society displays a commitment to education and volunteering. Many students join the society to get involved in the group and improve their college applications. NHS assists in preparing college admissions and financial aid. Members also take part in activities for developing their leadership skills. Another significant perk of membership is the National Honor Society Scholarship which can range from $3,000- $25,000.

“I was there to support my friends and I plan on joining NHS this following year because of how great of a club it is and the many good things I have heard about,” said DBHS junior Katelan Scott.

NHS is a valuable organization that recognizes high school students who have demonstrated excellence in being presently aware and helpful in school endeavors. Being a part of the NHS is not only a significant achievement, but it also opens doors to opportunities that may be harder to acquire without membership.

Written by Anna Mujica | Graphic Designed by Kimarea Moise
