Change of Schedule

Andrea LandaverdeCamila BrayePathfinderNews

Change of Schedule

All PSDs have been Cancelled 

When a Professional Study Day arrives on the first Thursday of every month, it allows students and staff to finish the school day at an earlier time than usual. Students use this time to complete assignments, catch up on any missing work, and study for future tests. Teachers also take advantage of this time by meeting with their fellow department coworkers to uniformly plan future lessons.

Students and staff in Broward County Public Schools will no longer receive any PSDs for the rest of the school year. Regular school days will replace Professional Study Days. The change is only for this school year, and PSDs will begin the following school year.

The coronavirus has made the 2020-21 school year different, and it continues to impact everyone in the county. All students must have a certain amount of in-school hours. Since some schools were not able to begin on time, students do not meet that requirement. Changing the remaining PSDs to full school days will allow all seniors to meet the requirement to graduate.

The last day of school will remain the same because all grade levels will have met the in-school hours they need. Although students won’t have PSDs, Early Release Days will continue as planned. Students can then use that time to work on any assignments for all of their classes.

Written by Camila Bray | Graphic Designed by Andrea Landaverde
