Class of 2028
August 13, 2024 2025-03-10 12:27Class of 2028
Ninth Grade Assistant Principal | Bruce Taylor | 754.322.0746 | Email
Course Selection Process
Course selections are not guaranteed. The school counseling staff will review your academic records and place you accordingly. Some students may be placed in required classes based on test scores and past academic performance. Deerfield students will have a total of 8 classes, one of which will be a required study hall.
General 2025-2026 Student Body
Students who are not in C.B.A. or I.B. Magnet Programs should fill out course cards for the upcoming school year, 2025-2026. The forms should be completed for the transitioning school year grade level, not the current grade.
C.B.A. 2025-2026 Student Body
Students who are part of the Communications & Broadcast Arts Magnet Program should fill out course cards for the upcoming school year, 2025-2026. The forms should be completed for the transitioning school year grade level, not the current grade.
I.B. 2025-2026 Student Body
The International Baccalaureate Magnet Program offers a pre-selected advanced courses for the four year program that allows students to not complete a course card for 2025-2026 school year. I.B. students that have any questions, should contact Ms. Carter for guidance
Summer Dual Enrollment
Broward College’s Summer Semester will end registration on Thursday, March 13th for Dual Enrollment. Any student interested in starting or continuing with courses at B.C. must submit a Dual Enrollment form and qualifying test scores to their counselor by this this.
2025 Sale
High school yearbooks are a great way to look back on Deerfield Beach High School experience as it will cover some of the highlights of the year with hundreds of photos relating to academic accomplishments, club activities, school sports, and special events. A yearbook is special because it captures the many fun memories of high school life and the achievements of the students. So purchase the book at the lowest price in the county for the $85.00 Winter Sale! This offer will not last long as it ends Tuesday, April 1st so purchase today online through the estore.
Take Stock in Children Scholarship
Take Stock in Children Scholarship is an opportunity for any 9th grader to earn a two-year or four-year scholarship to any Florida public university. This is a needs-based scholarship and it does have attendance and discipline requirements as well.
● A Scholarship: A Florida Prepaid PROJECT STARS College Scholarship, which can be used at any Florida publicuniversity, college, or state vocational/technical college in Florida.
● A Mentor: A volunteer mentor who will meet with each student, with cooperation from the school andparent(s), to assist and encourage students to achieve and reach their full potential.
● A College Success Coach: Local Take Stock in Children staff will help design a college success plan and guide eachstudent through middle and high school transition and into College.
● Student must attend a traditional Florida Public School, a Florida Public Virtual School, a Florida Public Charter School, or a Florida Department of Education-approved school of choice utilizing a Family Empowerment Scholarship.
● Parent(s)/Guardian must submit the most recent, completed taxes.
● Complete all sections of the online application.
If the students have any questions have an questions, email Ms. Eade or stop by the Library with a pass during their study hall or at lunch.
Ninth Grade Academy
The 9th Grade Academy has been set up to help students obtain knowledge in their pursuit of a bright future. Our Academy provides guidance in helping students set their short and long-term goals, stresses the importance of school, and provides positive feedback to our students and staff. This will lay the groundwork for success. Frequent recognition of student’s and staff, in and out of the classroom, is a vital part of improving student achievement.
Upcoming Freshman Activities
Calendar of Class of 2028 Events
Event | Date | Location | Cost |
Freshman Roundup | August 8 | 9:00am | DBHS Gymnasium | Free |
Freshman Assembly | August 19 | Fifth Period | DBHS Auditorium | Free |
Underclassmen Photos | September 24 | Scarlet Study Hall | DBHS Auditorium | Free |
Underclassmen Photos | September 25 | Gold Study Hall | DBHS Auditorium | Free |
Clubs | Sports Pictures | October 17 | DBHS Gymnasium | Free |
Monday Homecoming Week | Inside Out 2 Day | October 21 | DBHS | Free |
Tuesday Homecoming Week | Buck Out | October 22 | DBHS | Free |
Wednesday Homecoming Week | Standing on Business | October 23 | DBHS | Free |
Thursday Homecoming Week | Growing Up the Buck Way | October 24 | DBHS | Free |
Friday Homecoming Week | Pink Out | October 25 | DBHS | Free |
Homecoming Game vs. Western | October 25 | 6:00pm | Butler Stadium | $5 |
Homecoming Dance | October 26 | 7:00pm | DBHS Cafeteria | $55 |
Underclassmen Retake Photos | October 29 | Gold Study Hall | DBHS Auditorium | Free |
Underclassmen Retake Photos | October 30 | Scarlet Study Hall | DBHS Auditorium | Free |
Midterm Exam Exemption Forms Due | December 9 | 11:45pm | Online | Free |
Midterm Exams | December 17 | 1st & 2nd Period | Free |
Midterm Exams | December 18 | 3rd & 4th Period | Free |
Midterm Exams | December 19 | 5th & 6th Period | Free |
Midterm Exams | December 20 | 7th & 8th Period | Free |
Midterm Exams | December 20 | 7th & 8th Period | Free |
Clubs | Sports Pictures | February 7 | DBHS Gymnasium | Free |
Final Exam Exemption Forms Due | TBA | Online | Free |
Final Exams | May 29 | 8th & 7th Period | Free |
Final Exams | May 30 | 6th & 5th Period | TBA |
Final Exams | June 2 | 4th & 3rd Period | Free |
Final Exams | June 3 | 2nd & 1st Period | Free |
Attendance and Grades
Monitor grades and assignments on Canvas and Focus.
● 2nd Quarter Interim Report Issued: Friday, November 22nd
● 1st Quarter Report Card Issued: Tuesday, November 5th
Use the semester grade calculator to understand how the two quarters and exam grade can help a student to get the best possible transcript grade in each of their classes. *Parents can access interim report in their Focus Parent Portal with these directions
Canvas is a Learning Management System designed to simplify teaching and learning by connecting all the digital tools teachers use in one easy place. The Canvas Parent app allows parents to engage in their children’s education by providing access to important class information.
With the Canvas Parent app, parents can
● View the list of courses where their students are enrolled. For each course, parents can see syllabus, assignments (title, due date, and instructions) and events.
● Set alerts to view course announcements and/or receive reminders for a specific assignment or event (sent to mobile devices as push notifications).
● Monitor their child’s performance on Canvas assignments (final grade reported in Focus).
● The Canvas Parent app flyer or video shows the easy steps available for parents using iOS or Android devices and can easily be configured in just a few minutes.
* Student Owned Devices: allowing students to use their personally owned Wi-Fi- enabled devices to connect to the District’s BYOD Learner Experience network.
Deerfield Beach High’s teachers will record student attendance in each scheduled class period.
● PRESENT: The student must be present and on time to Deerfield Beach High classroom. (P)
● TARDY: Students who are late to their teacher’s scheduled class will be recorded in Pinnacle as Tardy Unexcused (TU)
● ABSENT: Students who are not present for any part of the school day or the scheduled class must be recorded as Absent (AU)
*Parents are expected to report absences with this simplify method click here.
The School Board recognizes the importance of assigning meaningful and quality homework to students. Research indicates that schools in which homework is routinely assigned and assessed tend to have higher achieving students. Learn more about the District’s Homework Policy
The following excerpts on Make-Up Work are from the Student Progression Plan – Policy 6000.1. Are from Make-Up Work, page 43.
High School Make-Up Work:
1) Make-up work shall be accepted for full credit and grade for excused and unexcused absences.
2) All make-up work must be submitted within two days upon return to the missed class, not including the day of return, for each day of an absence.
3) When assignments and appropriate instruction are provided prior to the absence, make-up work (including major projects) is due on the day of return to the missed class.
4) Under extenuating circumstances and at teacher’s discretion, additional time may be allowed.
Learn more about the District’s Student Progression Plan Policy
Graduation Information
There are several diploma options available for students:
● 24 credit Standard High School Diploma
● ACCEL 18 credit Diploma
● Career & Technical Education (CTE) Pathway
● AICE Cambridge Curriculum
Though students must meet all Graduation necessities through Deerfield’s courses:
● Graduation Requirement Chart
Parents and students are encouraged to keep track of progress toward graduation by logging in to Focus Portal here and looking at the Graduation Progress section. Parents and students can also make an appointment to meet with their school counselor to discuss the best option for them.
Students should know their requirements and regularly monitor their progress toward earning a diploma. School counselors are available to assist students with planning for college and career readiness. Students can view an up-to-date report on their progress toward meeting graduation requirements on Focus.
Click here to find a valuable resource to help that students find the assistance they need for ACT and SAT tests.