College Readiness

ePathfinderLaisha BravoNews

College Readiness

How BRACE helps students prepare for the future

With the class of 2022 graduation soon and the class of 2023 looking at the next steps for the future, it’s important to know what resources are available to students. The BRACE place canvas module is a great place for students to look at scholarships and job opportunities. 

BRACE stands for Broward Advisor for Continuing Education. The BRACE advisor, Mrs. Cruz, is located in room 152 and is there to help any student with college questions and preparations. She has set up a college and job fair on March 11th for juniors and seniors to help them see their options.

Mrs. Cruz makes sure opportunities are given out to any student who needs or wants them. Students are able for the graduating class Remind to receive notifications on college visits, job opportunities, and scholarship deadlines. However, Remind is not the only place for students to get their information. Every student has been given access to the BRACE Place Canvas module. In the module, one can find information about FASFA, jobs and student employment, links to scholarships, college admission dates, and ways to become an ambassador. 

For the students who want to take it a step forward and gain service hours, graduation cords, and more benefits they can become a BRACE ambassadors. Becoming an ambassador is an option available to any junior and senior. 

Students have an endless stream of resources offered to them at Deerfield to help them prepare for life after high school and graduation. BRACE is a free asset that all students should take advantage of.

Written by Laisha Bravo | Graphic Designed by Laisha Bravo
