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Camila BrayePathfinderPerspectives

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Social Media and the youth

The newest generation was born into the age of technology and social media. Computers, laptops, and iPads surround them in their day-to-day lives. The easy access to electronics allows them access to social media. However, what they view tends to be unfiltered and can negatively impact them as they grow up. 

Social media can have an impact on anyone but especially kids and their attitude and mental health. Main social media platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram can show celebrities drinking, smoking, and doing other harmful things that can leave an imprint on impressionable children. Teenagers tend to copy the acts they see the people they look up to execute, no matter the dangers and side effects. 

Social media also plays a large role in how someone might view themselves. Photos on these sites tend to be edited and have filters added, especially on one’s body. Images like this can project an unhealthy and unnatural body image kids might try and emulate. Social media is designed to be addictive. Teens spend hours on it talking to friends, watching videos, and scrolling through profiles and photos. Sleep schedules are disturbed causing them to be moody, tired, and sleep during school. 

Many people try to make their platforms on social media a safe place, but too many people are determined to bring negativity onto the sites. Someone comments something negative and degrading daily, impacting this supposed safe haven. This kind of cyberbullying can lead to someone becoming obsessed with trying to please the people on the internet prioritizing that over their mental health which can lead to depression or anxiety. 

Social media can enforce peer pressure but its effect is ultimately up to the viewer. That being said it’s hard for people, especially young kids, as their minds are still developing to understand they don’t need to succumb to what they watch on social media to fit in. 

Social media will always affect a person’s life but it’s up to them to decide whether it will be a positive or negative one. 

Written by Camila Bray | Graphic Designed by Camila Bray