Costless Medical Nursing

ePathfinderJennifer LandaverdePerspectives

Costless Medical Nursing

The entitlement to less healthcare costs

Most of the time, a severely injured person’s first thought is to get immediate help and treatment. The idea of possible medical prices that they might be given isn’t fully realized until the last minute when they receive the bill. However, some aren’t too worried about costs due to universal healthcare. 

Universal Healthcare Coverage is access to the full range of health services needed whenever and wherever without worrying about emptying one’s pockets trying to cover dues. As of 2022, over 32 countries provide free healthcare to at least 90% of their population. This system helps bring many advantages to those who are less fortunate than others. Even then, it creates the notion that health comes first to every citizen, which is one less problem to deal with when it comes to making financial decisions.

Medical bills can be incredibly high, even for the smallest things. The average cost for an overnight hospital stay in the United States costs around $12k-$14k based on age and type, considering this person doesn’t have insurance. It arouses the matter of why hospitals charge so much to help the hurt. It brings in the question of whether the government will create free healthcare or lower the costs.

 As of March 2022, over 23 million people in the US are in debt with medical expenses. Ranging from $1000 to over $10,000. The SIPP survey predicts about an overall 195 billion dollars’ worth of medical debt in the United States.

The last thing a person should be thinking of when injured is the costs of their ride to the hospital, the overnight stay, and the treatment. Receiving nursing for injuries should not be a charge that can lead to debt at this rate. The process of paying off these charges can be stressful and a struggle. More so, it can cause enough stress to burden one’s responsibilities, leading to mental health problems and possibly even more medical treatment. 

Spending money to pay for necessary remedies to survive is unnecessary and can be seen as immoral by many. The lofty charges can lead to a lot of harm to a person’s financial situation unless one is wealthy by means of society. One should not need to worry about getting into bankruptcy simply by being taken to an infirmary by ambulance.

Written by Jennifer Landaverde | Graphic Designed by Jennifer Landaverde