Creating The Best Version

ePathfinderFeatureOlivia Lessard

Creating The Best Version

Changing One’s Outlook on Life 

As the school year continues, burnout progresses in students and society. Time to take for personal growth and betterment instead fills with test schedules and homework assignments. However, implementing self-care into daily life in small ways can improve a person immensely. Through many options, one can always be better and live smarter.

Evaluating strengths and weaknesses is key to assessing the right path to improvement. Setting goals and making lists assist in motivation and feeling satisfied. Once made, it is easier to start the journey toward self-fulfillment. Despite the many varying steps forward, there is a direction for each unique individual to go at their own pace.

A natural emotion everyone feels from time to time is anger. Anger is a destructive emotion, affecting the holder and those around them. While overcoming it may prove troublesome, there are healthy methods to deal with this emotion. Addressing these emotions and their causes through meditation or by writing in a journal can help relieve them and leave a person feeling refreshed.

People often come home after a long day and hope to feel a sort of comfort. But a cluttered mind can lead to a living space just the same. Focusing on cleaning around the house for thirty minutes every day can eliminate clutter from the house and the mind. A clean and relaxed atmosphere matches its owner and allows for a cozy space to rest.  

Restless nights are inevitable as a student. However, lack of sleep often leads to irritability and unproductivity. Rather than finishing assignments at the last minute, creating a plan to complete work and allowing for seven to eight hours of sleep every night helps in having a more organized life. Proper and consistent healthy amounts of sleep can improve motivation and state of mind.

Teenagers are often reminded by adults to put down their phone and go outside. While this may seem useless, it has been proven to benefit one’s health. Fresh air and nature help improve moods and reduce stress, which students are privy to. Setting aside fifteen minutes every day to go on a walk or sit in nature can help clear your mind and allow for a time of reflection.

One struggle everybody shares is staying positive. Practicing positive self-talk makes way for a less negative outlook on life and situations. Incorporating optimism into one’s daily life can build confidence and reduce stress.

Creating a schedule and guide to practice these few tips can prove invaluable. Rethinking is only the first step towards bettering oneself. Once people begin their journey towards improvement, a more fulfilled life will follow naturally.

Written by Olivia Lessard | Graphic Designed by Olivia Lessard