Deerfield Enters Rebuild Under New Coach

Caroline SaisePathfinderSports

Deerfield Enters Rebuild Under New Coach

The New Coach for Boys Volleyball Wants Back on Top

Boys’ volleyball at Deerfield Beach High is back with a new coach and team. Due to covid, they did not have a team last season, and they played only three games the year prior. Coach Debbie DeBrocq is committed to rebuilding the team and making a lasting impact on boys’ volleyball.

A new coaching style is brought to the court focused on the fundamentals of the game. Coach DeBrocq plans to lead the Bucks to victory this year. However, she recognizes that winning is not everything and wants the team to have fun this season no matter the outcome.

“As a coach, I value teamwork, positivity, and dedication,” Coach DeBrocq said.

Future players seem to have adopted her positive attitude brought to the preseason meetings earlier this year. If a student missed out on the meetings, they are still welcome to try out. Try-out dates will be announced when the basketball season concludes.

“When I met the team, I had an instant feeling that they would have a successful season. It seems like they are all great people who will work together as a team,” junior player Nolan DeBrocq said.

The expectations set for the volleyball season are just as high as every sport at DBHS.

“We are in the playoffs for basketball, and I want to do the same when I play volleyball this season,” junior Damerius Summers said.

Coach DeBrocq wants to make sure everyone has the fundamentals down, but there is one skill she wants to focus on the most.

“Serving,” Coach DeBrocq said. “If we can’t serve, we won’t score points.”

For the Bucks to have a triumphant season, each player needs to play as a team on the court aside from scoring points. Coach DeBrocq plans to have her team work on not only their playstyle but on their team chemistry.

“You can’t play volleyball by yourself,” junior Nolan DeBrocq said. “One person can’t take over the game, everyone has to play their part. If they do that, the whole team will work together and win.”

Deerfield’s first game will be on March 3rd against Miramar, leaving a little over a month to get ready for their season opener.

Written by Caroline Sais | Graphic Designed by Caroline Sais