Dreams Cost Money

Courtney GiftePathfinderLaisha BravoPerspectives

Dreams Cost Money

The Expense of Creating a Future

As juniors and seniors enter their last years of high school, they begin to think about life after high school. It can be a nerve-racking process within itself, along with handling other school stresses. As we all know, college tuition is something most students struggle with the most. 

College tuition consists of the price you pay for classes in your intended major alongside other amenities such as housing, dining, even transportation depending on the location of the campus. It also covers materials or supplies like textbooks and notebooks for classes. This isn’t the whole reason why tuition is so expensive. 

“There are a lot of reasons — growing demand, rising financial aid, lower state funding, the exploding cost of administrators, bloated student amenities packages.” TBS Staff from The Best Schools website says, “The most expensive colleges — Columbia, Vassar, Duke — will run you well over $50K a year just for tuition.”

Fortunately, there are resources students can reach to help with any financial trouble during this stressful time. Such as FAFSA, the Federal Student Aid, which helps assist students with the costs of tuition and applying for scholarships the students’ current high school, college, or university choice offers. Many sites help students with scholarships, such as scholarships.com and bold.org.

Despite all these assets, many students have only briefly heard about them or have not heard about them at all. Without the proper push for these resources, students are left clueless. Others may not like those scholarships that are lotteries and only a few students can cover their entire tuition or earn a full-ride scholarship.

Making college and university available for everyone who meets the criteria would lessen the blow of stressing over earning scholarships. Everyone should have the chance to earn a degree in what brings joy to them.

Written by Laisha Bravo | Graphic Designed by Courtney Gift