Early Bird or Late Worm

ePathfinderMackenzie CobblerPerspectives

Early Bird or Late Worm

What time should school start?

Ever since people were required to go to school, students have been dreading the inevitable sound of their alarm. It’s a constant battle of turning it off or hitting snooze in the morning. Either way, how a student wakes up in the morning always determines the day they have. At least they don’t have to use “knocker-uppers” like people did in the 1400s.

However, whether it is a person knocking on the door or the modern alternative, people still find it difficult to wake up on time for school. Especially with ranging routines that could take a couple minutes to over an hour. Though some argue that it is because students are not getting enough sleep at night, perhaps school start times have a part to play in the problem.

Some Broward County high schools have later start times like 9:30 a.m. to 4:20 p.m. but Deerfield Beach High School lies on the earlier side from 7:40 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. There can be benefits to an early alarm like getting home earlier so there would be more time for homework. The more time there is to finish assignments, the more time there is to do whatever the mind pleases. An earlier end time would also allow for after-school activities, which would be helpful for students with jobs as well. As a result, guardians who work nine-to-five jobs would not have to stress as much about getting their kids to school on time while also getting to work on time. An early start time seems like a win-win situation for everyone.

“Personally, I come to school late every day; my mom drives me at around 7:40 a.m. to 8:10 p.m. would probably be the latest. I sleep pretty early every night unless I need to work on a project or something yet still, I need to take my time in the morning or else I feel overstimulated by things I didn’t get done if I were to rush. I am definitely not a morning person on weekdays.” said DBHS sophomore Julianah Pit.

A later start time also has its advantages. Obviously, students would get more sleep adhering to the altering circadian rhythm; the physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle of a teenager. Students would also have time to eat breakfast and take their time feeling fulfilled in the mornings. That way, moods are heightened, students get to school on time, and there’s a greater chance of success throughout the day without the expense of mental health.

Both start times are beneficial, but they both also have disadvantages, making it hard to choose between the two. It is really all about preference, but slightly lenient rules wouldn’t hurt to have. If students have an early start time, their sleep schedule could suffer. But if they have a late start time, they could lose their time at home. School at Deerfield Beach High starts at 7:40 am, and students seem content with it. Regardless, there is always room for improvement.

Written by Mackenzie Cobbler | Graphic Designed by Mackenzie Cobbler