Earth Day

ePathfinderFeatureJazmine Worell Bazile

Earth Day

Commemorating the Earth’s Resources 

The end of April draws closer, and with it comes the celebration of Earth Day. Celebrated annually on the 22nd of April, Earth Day aims to commemorate the Earth’s clean natural resources and express gratitude towards humanity’s home.

During the mid-1900s, many Americans were unaware of the negative consequences of pollution and unrenewable resources. Additionally, no regulations existed against corporations from disposing of toxic waste in water sources or selling leaded gas. Rachel Carson’s 1962 novel A Silent Spring would become the first of many works bringing awareness to the issues and advocating for a modern environmental movement.

A fateful oil spill in 1969 became the launching point of Earth Day and the manifestation of the environmental movement. Millions of people took to the streets in protest for a cleaner Earth, led by senator Gaylord Nelson and environmental activist Denis Hayes. Their efforts led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and the passing of important legislation, such as the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act, which Americans benefit from to this day.

Although Earth Day began as an American holiday, it is now celebrated by more than one billion people worldwide. There are many ways to participate in Earth Day festivities. These include volunteering to plant trees, clean up litter, and choosing more environmentally friendly transportation such as biking. It can be as simple as turning off lights or electronics when not in use or reducing water consumption.

Despite being a holiday, Earth Day extends far beyond a single day. In recent years, the celebration has become about raising awareness about climate change and protesting against major corporations that pollute the Earth. Since we only have one Earth, Earth Day should be celebrated every day. Taking care of the planet today ensures that it will be habitable for decades to come.

Written by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile  | Graphic Designed by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile