Eat, Sleep, Repeat

ePathfinderKemiyah BennetPerspectives

Eat, Sleep, Repeat

Can Laziness be a good thing?

Laziness is not inherently a bad thing; everyone experiences it from time to time. Sometimes, people need a long-overdue break, even if it means taking some time to relax. It’s important to find a balance between being productive and allowing oneself the chance to unwind and recharge.

“Being lazy can be good or beneficial because if you’re the type to work hard, you don’t have time for yourself. There can be days when you want to take a day off and be lazy. You can relax or maybe do hobbies you like,” said Deerfield Beach High School freshman Stechna Etienne.

When in an unhealthy matter, laziness is a negative thing because it can cause a lack of social interaction with loved ones. Even the workspace can be affected; if one person begins to fall behind and not do work or even just constantly doing things last minute, everyone feels the effects. Not only will it cause environmental problems, but it will also create personal issues; lack of energy, motivation, and in some scenarios, isolation.

Laziness can also be beneficial as a way to relieve stress. There are times in life when all a person thinks about is work and forgets to take even a minute to the side. This can result in many mental issues and even physical. It is good to have some days where all that is to be worried about is how soft the bed is.

After a long period of overworking, some people may want to stop all activities and lie in bed. It is good to find a balance between productivity and plain laziness. Keeping active is good to keep the mind stimulated, but overdoing it with schoolwork, a job or even dealing with kids, it is good to remember everyone, regardless of the reason, deserves some time to just sit back, relax, and enjoy life.

Written by Kemiyah Bennett   | Graphic Designed by Kemiyah Bennett