Jazmine Worell-Bazile

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ePathfinder Staff

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  • Reinventing Your Style
    Finding a Style That Fits You Modern society is bursting with new forms of self-expression, and fashion is a significant part of the movement. Dozens of various aesthetics crowd the streets and bring cities to life. But in a sea of styles, figuring out the right one might be overwhelming. Finding a personal style that fits and feels comfortable seems challenging, but all it needs is a direction in mind. Finding inspiration is the first place to start. Fashion websites, blogs, and social media can offer countless resources for different styles. Pinning favorite clothes of celebrities or models online can identify the general aesthetic of interest. It is good to note a pattern of outfits -such as a liking for denim or leather- to look for when shopping. Websites such as Pinterest can be more than cooking recipes and project ideas. They are essential for finding the style that clicks. Compositing pins of desired clothing into one board helps establish the overall vibe to emanate. It is wise to take advantage of the internet’s vast resources for developing inspiration and organization. However, garnering information and ideas is not confined to the web. Flipping through a fashion magazine or talking to friends or family about a fancied style can be equally constructive. Observing the way they put their outfits together is crucial to figure out preferences. Out with the old, in with the new -when it comes to clothing, the same applies. Unworn and outdated clothes take up closet space that can instead store a refreshed collection of fashion. Sorting through clothes helps organize the keepers and what these clothes have in common. It also makes the process of putting together the style less daunting. Creating the concept comes with exploration. Start simple by putting together a few dependable outfits and accessorizing. Alternatively, get adventurous and experiment with different color and pattern combinations. Whether trying accessories to emphasize masculinity or playing with bold color palettes, mixing it up can help one break out of the comfort zone. Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way of expressing oneself through clothing. Defining and constructing a personal style takes patience. It is important to pace and organize oneself in the process. The effort is worth it all to flourish in that perfect style in the end Written by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile  | Graphic Designed by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile Published June 9, 2022 | ePathfinder | Feature
  • Helping Communities
    Places and Ways to Volunteer A vital part of high school is giving back to communities. Volunteering is an inexpensive way to show appreciation for people and help them. Not only does it help in preparation for adulthood, but it can improve businesses. Especially during times of decreasing resources and distancing, lending a hand in any way helps. It is easier to get involved if one knows where, how, and when to volunteer. Information comes in newspapers or by asking a friend or family member. Schools or local community centers may post events on bulletins. And online, one can find volunteering opportunities advertised on forums and websites. With a direction in mind, next comes the activities. Volunteering can involve something as simple as tutoring or a larger project such as building homes for an organization like Habitat for Humanity. Donations are a form of volunteering as well. Through donating necessities to shelters or a blood drive, people benefit inside and outside a community.  Maintaining a successful work is a team effort, so places such as libraries desperately need assistance. For years, they have given regulars resources, entertainment, and a peaceful atmosphere. Suffice it to say, giving back to them in the slightest act is giving back to a community that has offered plenty. Whether cleaning and sorting materials, leading fundraisers for library programming or providing technical support, much can help. As much as animals give to humans, they deserve the same back -especially those without homes. A considerable amount of work goes into running pet shelters, so visiting a non-kill facility may make a big difference. Some may require cleaning cages, feeding animals, walking or playing with them, etc. However, it is crucial to research if the shelter is ethical before volunteering. Giving back can be done in many inexpensive, flexible ways. Numerous places need support and offer community service hours in return. Homeless shelters, art organizations, and food pantries are just some. Local libraries, hospitals, and community centers also appreciate assistance from the outside. Volunteer work has many benefits. In addition to having the chance to help others and pay respects to the community, it allows one to get immersed in other cultures. Glossing over the benefits of volunteer work does not do justice to the aid it could provide for others. Many things can help the communities that have given plenty to others. Written by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile  | Graphic Designed by Camila Bray Published June 2, 2022 | ePathfinder | Feature


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  • Take Action Before Its Too Late
    September is Suicide Awareness Month  In 2019, suicide was ranked as the 10th leading cause of death for people in the United States, claiming the lives of over 47,000 people. For people aged 10 to 34, it’s ranked second. Though it may be considered taboo in some circles, talking about suicide is the way to prevent it. This is why the month of September is dedicated to just that; spreading awareness about the prevention of suicide. Being able to recognize when someone may be going through a crisis is the first step in deterring someone from choosing suicide. Things like reckless behavior, dramatic changes in mood, and withdrawal from friends and family, to name a few, are cues that something might be wrong. A decline in academic performance and disinterest in the activities someone used to enjoy can also be a sign of crisis. Noticing warning signs early on can aid in preventing self-harm and can lead to an intervention. The idea of approaching someone who may have suicidal thoughts can seem daunting. However, the best way to begin this discussion is to ask them directly. Asking someone outright how they are and if they have been thinking about suicide lets them know that you are open to talking about suicide and are there to support them. Showing your concern in an unbiased and non-judgemental way is important. Additionally, being someone that others can trust and rely on can make an impact as well. Simply lending an ear or being there for someone, in person or otherwise, can make them feel less alone. Some people are too afraid to reach out for themselves. Reaching out first can give someone peace of mind that there is someone out there. Persuading someone to seek extra help elsewhere is an additional approach to stopping suicide. Some issues are too big for friends or family to tackle. Seeing a mental health professional or joining a support group can provide new ways to combat the root issue and make lasting changes. As suicide affects all ages, it is important to take care of yourself and others in your community. Suicide is preventable, and by learning, practicing, and educating others on ways to prevent suicide, we can bring the number of cases closer to zero. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Written by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile  | Graphic Designed by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile Published September 20, 2021 | ePathfinder | Feature
  • Striving for Better Health
    Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep Over the years, the quality of sleep for society as a whole has decreased. Sleep has become so overlooked that it is largely ignored today. Even though teens and adults are recommended to sleep for about eight hours each night, more than 40 percent of the US population does not meet that standard. A good night’s sleep is what individuals should strive for, as it is crucial for every aspect of their lives. Sleep plays a major role in health, which is one of the most important areas of life. Sleep-deprived people tend to be at higher risk for heart attacks, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Sleeping for eight hours regulates metabolism, so lack of sleep also plays a part in weight gain. The more sleep you get, the less weight you gain and the stronger your immune system becomes. The inability to concentrate on simple tasks during the day is another side effect of too little sleep. A lack of sleep negatively impacts basic brain functioning, which includes cognition, productivity, and performance. Getting a good night’s sleep can help enhance problem-solving skills as well as improve your memory. We use sleep as a way to process and retain memories we make during the day. Sleep is also both a stress reliever and a mood booster. It becomes more challenging to approach events rationally or control emotions when running on little sleep. Social cues and other emotional information are also affected by poor sleep, which can be stressful on relationships. A good night’s sleep can strengthen relationships, make you less likely to get hung up on trivial things, and make you feel more relaxed. As one of the pillars of health, not getting enough sleep can be dangerous, leading to a greater likelihood of serious accidents and injuries. Regardless of how you sleep, attempting to get at least eight hours every night is a good start. The amount of shut-eye you get may be vital, but the quality of sleep is just as essential. Having a peaceful environment in which you can fall asleep easily with no outside distractions is a significant improvement. Written by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile  | Graphic Designed by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile Published October 26, 2021 | ePathfinder | Feature
  • From Textbooks to Tablets
    School Technology Through the Years Knowledge has always been an important commodity, cultivated for thousands of years. The passing of information between generations has been facilitated by education systems, such as universities and schools. The Information Revolution that began in the 1990s, as a result of modern technologies, widened the scope of education. It was this Revolution that led to classroom upgrades that continue to improve the quality of teaching. The improvements in several specific areas in the classroom over the past thirty years have revolutionized learning for the modern student. A significant improvement in the classroom is the integration of computers into teaching. Computers provide teachers with the ability to diversify the content of their courses for students. Rather than relying on old textbooks in an outdated format, teachers can show students videos, pictures, or songs from the internet to make the classroom a more exciting place. In addition to providing greater access to resources, computers have added more interactive components to classrooms, with access to websites that allow the entire class to participate, such as Kahoot.  The implementation of technology affects how students apply their knowledge outside of the classroom. When writing papers or essays, students have unlimited access to the most prestigious academic journals and research. Online resources, such as tutoring videos and explanations, can improve their understanding of what they learned in class. For students, whether through online textbooks or scientific papers, research is now possible inside and outside of the classroom. Developments in teaching methods have also seen improvements. With the increased incorporation of group activities and blended learning between traditional methods and technology, the modern classroom has become not only more engaging, but more fun. Exchanging whiteboards with smartboards and bulky textbooks with tablets has made for more engaging learning. Society is going through a digital transformation, and schools are not exempt from it. Even as recent as five years ago, classroom technology looked very different from the way it does today. Technology is ever-evolving to suit our needs. It is one aspect of education that will continue to enhance information quality in the future. Written by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile  | Graphic Designed by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile Published November 29, 2021 | ePathfinder | Feature


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  • Screens of Death
    Effects of the AT&T power outage AT&T is a widely known wireless service that is used widely across the globe. Hundreds of thousands use AT&T daily, and the service is greatly loved. But in a crazy turn of events, a widespread outage left vast swatches of the globe without electricity for several days. The event highlights the vulnerabilities of interconnected online systems frequently used to share information, resources, and processing capabilities. Examples of interconnected systems are computer, control, and power systems, which heavily rely on power grids and satellite systems. The groundwork for why the AT&T outage negatively impacted businesses.  The power outage had widespread complications for various industries. Technology companies, such as Google and Microsoft, experienced paramount disruptions. Google reported a temporary loss to its services, affecting everything from email to cloud storage. Microsoft faced similar problems, with disruptions to its Azure cloud platform causing significant interruptions for businesses relying on it. Financial institutions were also severely impacted. Banks JPMorgan, Chase, and HSBC had to suspend online banking and ATM services. That led to a scramble for cash and a temporary stop in financial transactions. Stock markets worldwide were in decline as trading systems were on halt. Retail and manufacturing sectors weren’t safe either. Walmart and Amazon, both heavily reliant on digital infrastructure, faced challenges in managing supply chains. Factories experienced production halts, causing delays in manufacturing and distribution.  Technology companies acted quickly to address the disruptions. Google and Microsoft collaborated on fixing things, including rerouting data through backup servers and implementing manual processing for critical services. Financial institutions developed alternative methods for transaction processing and cash distribution to minimize customer impact. Power companies worked around the clock to restore electricity. Engineers and technicians from these companies with international aid organizations deployed emergency generators and temporary power solutions to critical infrastructure, including hospitals and emergency services.  After the outage situation, there has been a global push for more robust and resilient infrastructure. Energy companies are investing in decentralized power grids and enhancing cyber security measures to protect against future threats. Efforts are also underway to upgrade the technological infrastructure that supports critical services. On the technical side, Google and Microsoft are working on improving backup systems and disaster recovery protocols. Financial institutions are revising contingency plans to make sure operations can be continued in case of major disruptions.     As the world bounces back from this global power outage, the lessons learned will be important in reshaping the future of infrastructure development and crisis management. This incident brought light to the need for greater resilience and preparedness in our increasingly interconnected world. Written by Amina Scott | Graphic Designed by Widelandine Emilcar Published September 17, 2024 | ePathfinder | Feature
  • Distressed From The Rest
    Mental Health Days  Taking a day to oneself is especially important. Sometimes, having a little self-maintenance time to reflect and care for personal needs while balancing out a week is good. The problem is that some students cannot take a break due to schoolwork. “I think students should have mental health days; sometimes school can get overwhelming and stressful,” said Deerfield Beach High School junior Thiago Codeceira. “Having a day to focus on yourself as a reminder of what you are working towards while getting all your thoughts in order.” A mental health day promotes wellness and self-care, prevents burnout, improves academic performance, and creates a better school environment. Though people stay home when sick, they miss work and get even more stressed. Their only focus should be to heal, but a day off school for mental health would not have the same focus; it would be a day for teens to evaluate themselves. It can be hard to talk about things like mental health, and sometimes, the idea of maintaining a good and healthy mind can make a real difference.  “I was constantly overwhelmed last year and went online, but I did not like that either,” said DBHS sophomore Gemma Blakeney. “If we had mental health days, I would want to come to school because it feels a little less stressful and like my mental matters.” Mental health is essential. If it is not taken care of, it can cause more issues than one would think. Taking those days off is beneficial, and the students feel the same. The idea of less stress, the feeling of being seen and considered by the school and not just another student, can do much good. If days off for mental health were implemented, more students would show up less tired and more ready to learn. Written by Desiree Ponce | Graphic Designed by Desiree Ponce Published Spetember 17, 2024 | ePathfinder | Perspectives
  •  Swords and Claws
    Deadpool & Wolverine come back In addition to the iconic Deadpool series, Deadpool and Wolverine are now working side by side on a mission. The movie Deadpool and Wolverine was released on July 26, 2024, and premiered on July 22, 2024. It came out on Disney+ on July 8th. The casting of this movie includes Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and the director is Shawn Levy. Shawn Levy is known for films like The Adam Project and Free Guy, which both cast Ryan Reynolds. This made it more enjoyable for Ryan. The Deadpool movie series dates back to 2016 when the first film was released on February 12, directed by Tim Miller followed by its second movie on May 18, 2018, directed by David Leich. Deadpool’s story begins with Wade Wilson, Deadpool’s original name, where he attempts to treat his cancer through a nonofficial experiment procedure hoping it will save his life. But in the process, it unlocks his latent mutant abilities and cures him. The man leading this experiment does this all out of Wade’s will so Wade gains extraordinary healing powers but leaves him looking disfigured and not pretty. This leads him to adopt his alter ego, Deadpool. In the latest film, Deadpool and Wolverine work together when Deadpool’s world needs help, then meets Wolverine to save his world from falling apart. Wolverine, originally called Logan is an iconic X-Men character who has mutant abilities and shares a similar past with Deadpool. As the film begins, Deadpool is seen facing a big problem while living his civilian life, his home world is threatened which leads him to finding Wolverine, exploring the different timelines and multiverses to help save his world and the others.  In the Marvel Universe, Deadpool has always been recognized for his sarcastic personality and his ability to break the fourth wall, which makes him different from the rest of the characters. Throughout this intense and violent film, Deadpool and Wolverine grow a humorous dynamic that adds to Deadpool’s personality and gives the audience something new to look forward to.  “This movie is funny while also being full of action which makes it a very well-made and good movie, can’t get bored watching it,” said DBHS junior student Alexa William. The Deadpool and Wolverine film is a mix of intense action and humor as well as emotion. The movie has become a major box office success, getting 79% on Rotton tomatoes. The filming of Deadpool and Wolverine began in May 2023 at Pinewood Studios in England and wrapped in January 2024. The production time was fast, but the production crew, Ryan Reynolds and the cast made it work, staying content with the film’s production. Ever since the release of Deadpool and Wolverine, it has not been said that there would be a film following this one. But many hope this isn’t the end of Deadpool’s reign of adventures. Written by Brianna Rivera | Graphic Designed by Brianna Rivera Published September 11, 2024 | ePathfinder | Entertainment 
  • Revving Up Road Safety
    Driver’s Education Taken to the Next Level Broward County Public Schools is committed to ensuring the safety of unaccustomed drivers through its improved Driver’s Education program. The program focuses on providing real-life driving experience and high-quality instruction for all students. The BCPS Driver’s Education program offers hands-on practice in actual cars, allowing students to gain valuable experience steering real roads and traffic situations. With a fleet of over 90 vehicles, every student has a fantastic opportunity to develop essential driving skills.   The instructors involved in this program are certified. This certification guarantees they meet strict standards set by regulatory authorities, ensuring that students receive quality education from experts. In addition to practical training behind the wheel, BCPS collects data on student performance throughout the course. By analyzing this information regularly, they can identify areas where improvement is needed and continuously enhance teaching methods.   “There is no reason to be nervous because the teachers are good at their job and ingrain how important safety is while driving,” says DBHS junior Eric Miranda. One important aspect of driver’s education is preparing students for exams required to obtain learner’s permits or driver’s licenses. Through vast classroom lessons and targeted practice sessions during driving exercises, BCPS equips suitable learners with the wisdom necessary for success when taking permit or License exams.   For those interested in joining during the Fall 2024 Session, the dates are September 7 to November 2 sessions in the morning last from eight am to eleven forty-five am. During the afternoon, sessions last from 12 pm to 4 pm. Registration opens August 19 at eight am and closes August twenty third at four pm. Eligibility conditions alter based on age criteria and residence within Broward County while attending school there. Participating in BCPS’ Driver’s Education Program comes at no cost as it is free.  By prioritizing educational learning assets through classroom sessions and hands-on practice using actual vehicles under certified supervision, this comprehensive approach prepares young learners for becoming reliable licensed drivers while promoting road safety awareness within the community. Written by Matthew Hernandez | Graphic Designed by Matthew Hernandez Published September 10, 2024 | ePathfinder | News  
  •  A Page Turning Phenomenon 
    The Popularity of BookTok  Reading books was always tied with intelligence and considered a nerdy niche hobby. However, with the rise of BookTok, an online community on the popular social media TikTok, reading has become the ideal leisure activity, with cases overflowing with books. This craze has taken the online world by storm.   There is no definite date for the rise of Book Tok. However, an increase in literature-related content boosted in 2020. The epidemic COVID-19 lockdown had a profound effect on this subject. It provided the perfect opportunity to take up a new pastime. TikTok became an effective tool for communicating book recommendations. BookTok is diverse and offers many different genres that cater to every palette. For instance, Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson is a quintessential teen murder mystery with a bit of an edge. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas is a fantasy novel with romance and a dash of politics. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid is about an old Hollywood starlet who shares the tale of her scandalous career and the seven lovers she met along the way.   With so many popular options, it is invertible that some will not cater to readers. Readers of Hannah Grace’s Icebreaker complained about the female lead as an annoying and dumb decision-maker. Some complain that Zodiac Academy by Susanne Valenti doesn’t have the best writing or editing. While these books were considered unsatisfactory, others were titled problematic. These Reviews are on diverse platforms like Goodreads and Barnes & Noble’s website. In the book Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton the main male lead behaves in violent and obsessive ways,  framed as romantic. This book falls into the “touch her and die” category, with several problematic titles. Colleen Hoover’s Slammed displays a teacher/student relationship as aspiring rather than highly inappropriate. Many of Hoover’s novels have come under fire for romanticizing toxic relationships.   With so many different books coming out daily, it’s hard to find one that suits a reader’s taste. With communities like BookTok however, that search becomes much less troubling. Written by Mackenzie Cobbler  | Graphic Designed by Mackenzie Cobbler Published September 9, 2024 | ePathfinder | Feature