Experiencing the Virus First Hand

Andrea LandaverdeePathfinderPerspectives

Experiencing the Virus First Hand

I have watched the news regularly to know that the coronavirus is something to be taken seriously. Anyone can transmit the virus unknowingly, for example, like what happened to me and many others.

The first time I got tested for the covid-19 was because a family member I had contact with was positive. The results came back negative, but I was unconvinced. I took the covid test for the second time a few days later and not surprised I came out positive.

A few days after my first test, I started getting a cough, frequent mild headaches, and I could barely taste or smell anything. Losing my taste and smell affected my eating habits because I wouldn’t have an appetite. I’m uncertain if the mild headaches I started getting a few days after testing negative were the first symptoms but I was skeptical about my results and began taking precautions.

It was horrible having to watch my family, the people who live under the same roof as me, from a distance. Unable to see other family members while I was ill was incredibly difficult. I couldn’t bring myself to touch any surfaces because I was too scared I would infect someone else.

The relative I had had contact with would feel remorse for getting me sick. I would reassure them and lighten up the mood with a few laughs and jokes. Throughout the quarantine, I kept reminding them that we would get through it, and eventually, we did.

The virus was awful, experiencing it was even worse. I acknowledge that it could have been a lot worse and for some families it is. I can’t imagine what others have gone through.

It’s upsetting and concerning when the proper precautions aren’t taken without thinking about the consequences. The virus might not have taken a big toll on me as it has on other people but what scared me was the people I came into contact with, I could have passed it on to them, and luckily I didn’t.

Written by Andrea Landaverde | Graphic Designed by Andrea Landaverde