Expression Beyond Words

ePathfinderJennifer LandaverdePerspectives

Expression Beyond Words

Benefits of performing arts

Art comes in many ways, shape and form. It can even come in the guise of an act; whether it be dance, music, theater, and marching band, performing arts are one of the most well-known expressions of artistry.

The performing arts have a rich history dating back to ancient Greece, although the term itself was created during the late 1960s-1970s. People would perform tragedy plays during religious events or festivals, and some to honor the Greek god Dionysus. For the longest time, performing arts have been around, and as the years go by, people have found more creative and fun ways to express themselves, such as theater and marching band.

“Drama helps people explore different sides of themselves,” said Deerfield Beach High School Drama Club President Rebecca Ainer. “People can benefit from it by letting out their anger or sadness onset.”

Theater is the oldest form of performing arts in the world. It has been proven to positively affect students, like bringing their confidence up, giving them a place to let out their emotions, and the constant use of teamwork. Drama club offers a platform for individuals to explore their feelings and personalities by assuming different characters. This exercise allows participants to develop empathy and gain a deeper understanding of the thoughts and feelings of other people.

“It [marching band] provides scholarships, better college admissions, an opportunity to test with music and to make connections with their peers,” said DBHS Band President Mario Thomas.

Just like theater, marching band can help build the confidence of a student, as well as leadership skills and commitment. However, marching band does not just provide social benefits. Marching band is a great way to get some exercise while also having fun playing an instrument and being around people who share the same experiences. It is another way to explore music without just sitting around, but instead, be able to enjoy oneself and play for an audience.

Some people are just meant to be performing artists and it can genuinely be the aspect of their life that provides fulfillment. But choosing this path also comes with the expense of extreme pressure or stress on getting every single detail right and careers associated with this art don’t always promise a stable income. Although just like many other things in the world, it takes determination and commitment to get through a goal and find a balance to everything at once.

The performing arts generally help people, especially students, in many ways. Whether it’s academically, socially, or for the betterment of one’s health, there is some way for these activities to help a person thrive and build their future.

Written by Jennifer Landaverde | Graphic Designed by Jennifer Landaverde