Extra Help for Seniors

Angie Benitez-AntunezePathfinderKiet LeNews

Extra Help for Seniors

Preparing for End of Year Exams

Preparing for the end of year exams such as the FSA’s, ACT’s, and SAT’s can be stressful. To help students review the material, Deerfield Beach High is offering seniors ELA test prep seminars hosted online via Microsoft Teams.

These test prep seminars will be hosted by Melissa Cabrera and Nicole “Nikkie” Roth, who are both instructional specialists in secondary learning-ELA. The sessions will be held exclusively for seniors and are free of charge, along with being interactive to help engage students. The classes are held throughout the day and are meant to aid students in preparation for their exams.

To register for the sessions, students will have the opportunity to enroll during their ELA, reading, or English 4 College prep class. Seminars will be set into categories based on the exam.

The FSA Test prep seminar will commence on February 1st and 2nd.The SAT Test Prep seminar is on February 15th and 16th. Lastly, the ACT prep seminar will be on February 22nd and 23rd.

The leading sessions will proceed from 8:00 am to 8:40 am or 12 pm to 12:40 pm. Additional times starting from 9:30 am to 10:10 am and 1:40 pm to 2:20 pm are included for students who can’t attend the main classes.

Any further questions can be directed to any student’s English teacher, reading teacher, or guidance counselor. Students may also direct any questions to the testing coordinator, Ms. Michele Eade.

Written by Angie Benitez-Antunez | Graphic Designed by Kiet Le
