Feline Friends

ePathfinderFeatureIsabella Cournyea

Feline Friends

The bond of cats

The world is divided between the preference of dogs or cats, with their charms and disadvantages. Those who lean toward dogs argue that cats are selfish while dogs are loyal and love unconditionally. However, this could not be farther from the truth. Cats hold a contagious amount of empathy, equal to human beings, and this is revealed when initiative is taken to gain a cat’s trust.

Like humans, cats have simple boundaries and are cautious when facing unfamiliar territory. A cat’s bond comes with patience and effort, just as one takes time to flourish a relationship with other people. Rather than expecting immediate attention from the feline, it must be established through a healthy bond to let it know it is in safe hands.

Cats also use body language to express themselves in an environment. To relay their frustration, one usually arches their back or strikes a stood-up tail to imply affection. It is common to see cats rubbing their heads to mark their scent, slowly blinking and kneading (or “making biscuits”) on their loved ones as a silent request to receive and share the love. Although they appear abrasive, cats are very communicative and show it in many ways.

They can sense sadness or anger by changing their behavior and recognizing the sound of crying with their sharpened senses. A study about feline emotion recognition documented by the National Institute of Health investigated their ability to connect visual and audio social cues to humans and other cats. Scientists had two people photographed with reactive expressions (happiness, anger) and made sounds related to said expressions (laughs, growls) to be recorded, in addition to purrs and hisses by cats. Results showed how the ten domesticated cats could match the faces to their respective vocalizations.

As gathered by the study, its researchers further prove the emotional intellectuality of a feline. As demonstrated, cats are socially intelligent and misunderstood because of their nature. It goes without saying that with experience, one would understand the connection and care a cat holds for their companion.

However, this does not take away from the fact that cats derive from an extended family of wild beasts. People have successfully domesticated them, only to be met with cold stares and unfriendly hisses. Humans expect immediate obedience from animals living in homes, which is why dogs are favored. But their feline nature prefers to decide how and when they can develop a social relationship with their caretakers, and these simple boundaries with the process of gaining trust draw people away from them.

Everyone is entitled to preference, but claiming all cats are mean, uncaring, and will not return love is false. They are competent with the ability to notice and respond to emotions. They are fiercely independent, but that in no way stops them from holding deep feelings for friends and family of their own.

Written by Isabella Cournyea | Graphic Designed by Isabella Cournyea