First Day Jitters

ePathfinderFeatureStacey Martinez

First Day Jitters

Managing back-to-school stress

August ushers in the new school year and new responsibilities as a returning student. With it comes a fear of the unknown –difficult classes, new teachers, and different classmates. Too often, individuals persist through the pressure and find themselves overwhelmed by high school toil. However, healthy coping mechanisms exist to navigate the stresses and anxieties of school.

Stress is a common obstacle possessing adolescents with physical and mental strain in response to difficult situations. It can come from many things, including overwhelming responsibilities, overbearing expectations, change of friend groups, etc. There are a plethora of factors leading to strain that disrupt daily functions.

Constant stress can also affect the individual’s mood and behavior. Varying from each person, changes can include sadness or depression, social withdrawal, anxiety, lack of motivation or focus, and angry outbursts. It can also have strenuous physical effects in the absence of proper help and through continuous episodes. Students experiencing this tension might find difficulty communicating or focusing on tasks.

Taking the initiative to alleviate the issue is crucial in maintaining well-being and can have positive effects on academic performance. The process begins with small steps, and setting a routine is an easy beginning to managing the issue. It can start with eating an energizing breakfast every morning or scheduling work times with breaks in between. Making a reliable plan throughout the day can eliminate the spontaneity of classes and set reasonable goals to achieve.

Gauging the routine once a week can assess its effectiveness and improve it in any way that meets its goals. It also manages progress, such as increasing productivity or completing multiple assignments paced throughout the day. Keeping a routine allows the individual to go through school knowing what to expect without throwing every task together.

Approaching the new school year, many papers and assignments are tossed to students in a seemingly “mass” of work. Due to this, many find relief in organizing their life with a planner or journal. Additionally, setting time on the side for periods of downtime, exercise, or forms of self-care will make the schedule easier to stick to. Discarding the unnecessary also eliminates the feeling of overwhelming paperwork.

Students can also treat the problem directly by communicating issues to a trusted individual. Deerfield Beach High School offers free therapy services in the Beach House located at 910 Buck Pride Way. Therapists and social workers provide students with resources and support for their well-being through scheduled visits. Through talking, students can find alleviating ways of coping with their struggles and how to confront them.

Stress and anxiety are experienced by everybody in various ways. Its pressures are not what defeat students, but how they react to it. Consistency and boundaries are vital to maintaining a clear mind and working effectively. Teenagers are often fraught with fear of the worst, but with nurturing and guidance, methods can be utilized to minimize stress and the domineering presence of responsibilities.

Written by Stacey Martinez  | Graphic Designed by Stacey Martinez