Fishing for Success With Debate

ePathfinderJulianah Cha PitNews

Fishing for Success With Debate

One team, One family

The debate and speech season is almost finished but it certainly has not disappointed. The season started in September 2021 when the team went to Northeast High school to compete. Members of the speech and debate team brought back medals and continued to do so for the rest of the season. Some of the outstanding students of the year were Courtney Gift, Jason Hecht, Avishi Ayushi, and Rafaela Jean.

Ranging categories from Congress and Public Forum, these skilled students have never failed to excel in all of them. Bringing home an estimate of 50 medals throughout the school year, DBHS has yet to make room for failure.

“Being in speech debate, is as much work as it is play. We are made up of speech kids and debate kids, we have over 20 different events and we get to pick which event we want to do and then Ms.Baker, helps us be the best we can be in that event. We all help each other out” says junior, Courtney Gift when asked about the experience of debate.

When students receive medals for their individual events, it is a win for the entire team. The team has competitions that are held sometimes every couple of days and other times every couple of weeks. However, there is always one a month.

“In between both periods of time we are working on our individual skills, and team skills as well. It often feels like one big family” Gift elaborated.

The Speech and Debate Team are scheduled to compete in the Novice Champs this Saturday and their last After-School-Tournament (AST), was April 7th. This group certainly does a good job of making sure everyone gets as much experience as they can to become the best versions of themselves. Helping each other out like family.

Written by Julianah Cha Pit | Graphic Designed by Julianah Cha Pit
