Foreign Languages

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Foreign Languages

Immersive learning at DBHS

Languages create a bridge between even the most ethnically different backgrounds. People express their feelings, thoughts, and comments through the most uniquely descriptive words in their tongue; so, learning a few can open new understandings like never before. To inspire others to learn a new language December was named as the National Foreign Language Month.

There are many wealthy benefactors in learning a new language. For instance, communication while traveling, understanding of cultures, and improved job opportunities. Even indulging deeper into a native tongue can create a sense of personal confidence in the long run.

Most people learn a second language in school as a course for multiple years; especially in high school. Deerfield Beach High offers Japanese, French, and Spanish as full credits. Any student in any grade can take these classes and participate in fun activities like envelope exchanges with students from Japan or even field trips during senior year.

“Recently we made our own envelopes to give to a partner we got from Japan, and we filled it with little items that go along with the story of us that we made. We get the same thing back from them too. I put a map of Florida and some candy.” says DBHS IB (International Baccalaureate) sophomore, Andrea Reyes.

Languages can be learned later in life, but it is much easier to master one at a young age. Learning platforms are much more accessible than they were 10 years ago when adults now were teenagers.

Even after high school, people can get their daily language lessons with a simple click on the app store. Apps like Memrise, Rosetta Stone, Duolingo, and HelloTalk are well known for their immersive techniques of teaching.

With enough time and practice, reading a once untranslatable piece of writing fluently can be as easy as reading a nursery rhyme. There’s no better time to start studying a new language than National Foreign Language Month.

Written by Julianah Cha Pit | Graphic Designed by Julianah Cha Pit
