Free and Reduced Lunch
August 3, 2024 2024-09-22 20:25Free and Reduced Lunch

Students need healthy meals to learn. Broward County Public Schools offer health, nutritious meals every school day. According to the Food and Nutrition Services Department, there is no cost of meals at Deerfield Beach High School for Breakfast and Lunch.
Family income is used to decide if a child will receive Free or Reduced Price Meals as broken down in the 2024-2025 Parent Free and Reduced-price Information Letter. Each year an application should be submitted. Your child’s application is only valid for one school year.
Note: The information that you provide in the application is safe and is only used to determine your child’s eligibility for this benefit.
To apply for Free or Reduced Price Meals, complete a meal application online at if you are unable to complete an application online please stop by our Student Affairs Office and see Ms. Morales. After the application has been processed, notification of the child’s meal eligibility will be sent to the email address provided or through the postal service.
To save you time and effort, the information provided on a Free and Reduced Price School Meals Application, Eligibility Status, may be shared with other programs for which your children may qualify. For additional information follow the Meal Benefits Disclosure Form link for more information.
As students who qualify for Free and Reduced Price Meals also qualify for two ACT waivers and two SAT wavers per lifetime. This means that your child can take the SAT | ACT Testing for FREE two total times each. Students can also receive 5 FREE college application waivers or FREE NCAA application.
Note: Not all colleges accept the application waivers.
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