Fresh and Healthy

Camila BrayePathfinderKiet LeNews

Fresh and Healthy

Distributing produce to students 

A balanced diet is important for teens growing up and sets a pattern for how they will view food for the rest of their lives. Deerfield Beach High is partnering with nonprofit organizations like Flipany and Farmshare to help students prioritize a relationship with food that is healthy.

To give easy access to fresh produce, Deerfield Beach High School’s Beach House will be holding a food distribution every Thursday at 3:300 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Students can register by scanning the QR code on this flyer. The registration forms include household size, the name of who is picking up the items, and what other items a family may need besides food.

There are no requirements to get the food. Every household can register for a spot in the distributions. There is one kit for every four members of each household. All the items included in the kit are fresh produce and unconditionally free.

There is no deadline for registration and no end in sight for the food distribution. The first one held brought in about 40 people and the administration anticipates at least 60 families at the next one.

The idea was first born three weeks ago by Sharon Paslowski, who is the PTA president at Deerfield Beach Middle School. DBHS program is in conjunction with the school to bring kits into homes of all kids younger and older.

Written by Camila Bray  | Graphic Designed by Kiet Le
