Friendship on Wheels

Anna MujicaePathfinderPerspectives

Friendship on Wheels

The social bonds created through a bus ride

Children’s social interactions are often dependent upon the setting or context in which they occur. With transportation education, students’ morale and motivation increase by communicating with many teachers and students. Students communicate with different individuals through transportation education and share an environment where there are background, cultural, and childhood differences. Students can get to know each other more before and after school.

“Since my bus ride is about 20 minutes, I can talk and learn more about my friends and create memories outside of school. It makes my bus ride more fun,” said DBHS junior Nashla Rodriguez.

Lessons on social-emotional competencies don’t have to end when students leave the classroom. Instead, they can continue on the school bus, where adults can indirectly support students in developing resilience and self-control. The school bus trip is a social-emotional learning environment, serving as more than just a means of getting students to their destination. The atmosphere, whether favorable or unfavorable, affects a student’s view of school and sets the tone for learning throughout the day.

“I enjoy spending more time with my friends on my bus. I feel more socialized on the bus rather than in school,” said Deerfield Beach High freshman Rodrigo Delgado.

Many doubt that a bus can create social bonds. Some students are more independent and are too tired to talk after school. Although bus rides tend to energize social batteries on most accounts, it all depends on the person and how they feel after being in school for at least 7 hours. Long rides can pose as a comforting experience.

“After school, I just want to relax and go home. I don’t have the energy to socialize again after I did that at school for hours on the bus it’s a time for me to relax and cool down,” said DBHS junior Jose Mendez.

The first experiences of creating social ties are much more significant than they may seem, and social development is a lengthy process that lasts well into adulthood. The start of a friendship on something as simple as a 30-minute bus ride can lead to a lifetime relationship.

Written by Anna Mujica | Graphic Designed by Anna Mujica