From Textbooks to Tablets

ePathfinderFeatureJazmine Worell Bazile

From Textbooks to Tablets

School Technology Through the Years

Knowledge has always been an important commodity, cultivated for thousands of years. The passing of information between generations has been facilitated by education systems, such as universities and schools.

The Information Revolution that began in the 1990s, as a result of modern technologies, widened the scope of education. It was this Revolution that led to classroom upgrades that continue to improve the quality of teaching. The improvements in several specific areas in the classroom over the past thirty years have revolutionized learning for the modern student.

A significant improvement in the classroom is the integration of computers into teaching. Computers provide teachers with the ability to diversify the content of their courses for students. Rather than relying on old textbooks in an outdated format, teachers can show students videos, pictures, or songs from the internet to make the classroom a more exciting place. In addition to providing greater access to resources, computers have added more interactive components to classrooms, with access to websites that allow the entire class to participate, such as Kahoot. 

The implementation of technology affects how students apply their knowledge outside of the classroom. When writing papers or essays, students have unlimited access to the most prestigious academic journals and research.

Online resources, such as tutoring videos and explanations, can improve their understanding of what they learned in class. For students, whether through online textbooks or scientific papers, research is now possible inside and outside of the classroom.

Developments in teaching methods have also seen improvements. With the increased incorporation of group activities and blended learning between traditional methods and technology, the modern classroom has become not only more engaging, but more fun. Exchanging whiteboards with smartboards and bulky textbooks with tablets has made for more engaging learning.

Society is going through a digital transformation, and schools are not exempt from it. Even as recent as five years ago, classroom technology looked very different from the way it does today. Technology is ever-evolving to suit our needs. It is one aspect of education that will continue to enhance information quality in the future.

Written by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile  | Graphic Designed by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile