Game, Set, Match


Game, Set, Match

Expectations on tennis season

Deerfield Beach High’s 2023 tennis season is underway. The members of the team are dedicated to playing to the best of their ability. Girls and boys’ tennis coach, Charles Hayes, has been conditioning the athletes to make sure they wrap up a successful season.

The expectation for the team this season is to improve their skills not only individually but also as a team as well as winning tournaments and having fun. Hayes has the team warm up by making them run a couple of laps and then move into shadow swings, which is when players practice by hitting a wall as a reflecting opponent. As well as working on other drills and topping it off with a friendly match with each other at the end of a practice.

“A typical practice consists of doing a couple of laps then getting into shadowing swinging. We spend most of our time rallying back and forth with one another and end the day off with a game,” DBHS sophomore, Katie Hayes said.

Each player on the team pushes and challenges each other to do their absolute best and to get better by practicing at such high levels. The teams are very close to one another and having a variety of different players with different skill sets makes them an even better team.

“My teammates help challenge me to perform my very best and help me get better by practicing at a high level,” Katie said. “I think this year’s team has a lot more variety of different players with different skill sets. We are also a lot more of a team and are close with one another.”

Deerfield Beach High bucks’ tennis season kicked off on February 16th at an away game against Pompano Beach High. The next match on their schedule is a home game against Coral Springs High on Tuesday, February 21st at 4:00 p.m.

Written by Evangeline Supplice | Graphic Designed by Evangeline Supplice