Genderless Bathrooms

Angel SantiagoePathfinderPerspectivesStacey Martinez

Genderless Bathrooms

Taking the Right Steps to a More Inclusive Society 

Everybody deserves a safe space to go to whenever they please. A bathroom is no exception. Whether to freshen up or to use the facilities, every person deserves a clean and secure restroom. But entering one is not as simple as it seems. 

Gender segregation laws passed to make bathrooms “safer” do the exact opposite. Many transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals are to use stalls assigned to their sex. But what they identify or express themselves as is neglected and disrespected.

These laws do nothing but preserve the gender stereotypes many find valid and comfortable keeping. It strips away the very liberty America takes much pride in having.

The human right to a restroom should be no chore to tackle. There is a cheaper and safer alternative to the only two signs given. That is gender-neutral lavatories.

These genderless restrooms do so much more than help shorten the line for waiting people. They create a safe space for those who are not comfortable using stalls assigned to their sex. And they help protect those who are more subject to threat in a hostile bathroom environment. 

Creating such restrooms should not disturb one’s religious, cultural, or traditional ideals. They are the bare minimum that every human deserves. Yet many find irrational excuses to avoid them to keep their prejudices. 

Transitioning individuals ostracized by men and women no matter the stall they use. Butch women were harassed for using the female sinks. Those non-binary fearing the possibility of danger or even death every door they open. 

All those problems and more can help lessen by installing bathrooms accessible to all people.

Wanting rights for things involving human nature should not be a controversial idea to those who aren’t bigots. It is the least that people can do in the process of creating a safer, tolerant society.

But of course, there should be boundaries. If these restrooms are to make others feel comfortable in privacy, gendered ones are just as necessary.

Alongside genderless washrooms should stay those individually for females and males, especially for communal lavatories. Many times, women feel safer around other women rather than men, and vice versa. 

Gender-inclusive and fluid restrooms are crucial, but respect toward cisgender men and women is as well. Their needs are just as valid, especially for having their personal space to go.

In the end, the goal should be to satisfy everybody and give everyone the equal right to a bathroom. People at least deserve a secure and private place in their daily life. No more, no less.

The prejudiced world cannot be changed overnight, but acting now can help. Gender-neutral bathrooms are one step to achieving the equality everybody deserves.

Written by Stacey Martinez | Graphic Designed by Angel Santiago