Get in the Game

Addison CalvetDaniel SassonePathfinderSports

Get in the Game

Expectations for this upcoming season

Coming into this season with high spirits are the Deerfield Beach High Soccer Bucks’. The boys’ soccer team won 12 games in the regular season and had two more wins in districts with only five losses last year. While the girls only had two wins and one draw the previous season. This year, the boys’ and girls’ soccer teams are working hard to prepare for the 2023-2024 season.

“My goal for this upcoming season is to come out of the gate explosive not just for me but my team as well. Also being committed to working hard and getting stronger,” said DBHS freshman Yasmim Mederios.

Medeiros believes the team does not fail to meet their expectations and goals each season with all the new players joining the team. The rest of the team also agrees that their main goal is to win and play as a team by working together and supporting one another. Players are excited and motivated to showcase their skills this season.

“I’m very confident in the team this season as we have very good defense and forwards. The only thing we need to work on is chemistry which will fix itself at practice and games throughout the season,” said DBHS freshman Juan Salinas.

Salinas is one of the goalkeepers for the boys’ soccer team and has lots of faith in the team getting to districts again this season. Salinas also believes the team will do well this season as long as connections are made with one another on and off the field. Once their chemistry is at a team high, they’ll be unstoppable. After the boys’ first game and loss against Monarch this season, they are motivated and determined to win the rest of the games they have.

With both the boys and girls with new and old faces, the Deerfield Beach Bucks are set and ready for a great season. This season has high goals and expectations, so come out and cheer on the boys’ and girls’ soccer Bucks’.

Written by Addison Calvet | Graphic Designed by Daniel Sasson