Getting Ahead of the Game

ePathfinderIsabella BeckNews

Getting Ahead of the Game

Summer Dual Enrollment Opens to Help Students Get Credits Early

High schools offer many different resources that allow students to earn college credit early and help get them to prepare for what is expected of them in college courses. One of these programs is the dual enrollment courses offered at Broward College to high schoolers.

In order to participate in the summer dual enrollment program, students must complete all forms and testing needed before the deadline of Friday, March 11th. If a student has not taken any dual enrollment class before they need to take the placement test and submit the scores before submitting their forms. Once the student has passed and submitted their testing scores they must send in the “Broward College Dual Enrollment Parent/Legal Guardian Form” after a parent/guardian has signed it.

“Taking Dual Enrollment is a great idea. It helps with getting college credits and helps you learn about college life.” Sophomore Mayvie Tran said.

To also participate in dual enrollment, you must be enrolled in a Florida school. Along with this, students must also have a 3.0 unweighted GPA. Test scores must be in college-level areas.

When in the program, students must maintain a 3.0 unweighted high school GPA while also maintaining a 2.0 Broward College GPA. If a student receives a D or an F, they will not be

allowed to take Dual Enrollment classes. Each term, the Dual Enrollment form must be filled out and signed by a Parent/Guardian, Student, Counselor, and Principal.

“I feel that it is good to get this out of the way early. It can help you with college and your future. It is a very important program.” Senior Alan Robinson said.

Forms and steps can be found on the Broward College dual enrollment page online. If students have questions, they should see their guidance counselor for help answering them.

Written by Isabella Beck   | Graphic Designed by Isabella Beck
