Go the Distance

Addison CalvetDaniel SassonePathfinderSports

Go the Distance

Expectations for this upcoming season

Deerfield Beach High Bucks are going the mile as they run the 2023-2024 cross-country season. The Bucks had their first meet on September 13th at Tradewinds Park. In cross-country, a school’s team score is based on each runner’s performance. They are assigned a point value for the place a runner finishes in. First place wins one point, second wins two points, and so on. So, the school with the lowest score wins the meet.

Their next meet was on September 26th in which they had an impressive average of 28 minutes for the boys’ three-mile course.

“Cross country is hard, but you just have to keep on going so you get better,” says DBHS sophomore Camila Uribe.

As stated by Uribe, cross-country is a sport of endurance and perseverance, and needing to run three miles the best they can all together continues to show that buck pride. The cross-country team at DBHS expects to continue the season consistently getting better at the sport they love.

“I am just trying to better myself and reach my goals,” says DBHS senior Christian Rodriguez.

On October 10th, the cross-country Bucks had a meet at Quiet Waters Park. Deerfield Beach was present with bright cheers from family and teammates. As the cross-country team crushes all their goals while the season goes by students are motivated to come cheer them on in this 2023-2024 season.

Although there are new runners each year, the team does not fail to exceed their expectations and goals for the season. The team being on par with their expectations does excite them, however, they believe there is always room for improvement and cannot wait to demonstrate in the later meets and seasons.

As eventful as this has been, continuing to show the hard work that they put into the sport, the DBHS Bucks have one more meet on October 19th at Markham Park before their district meets. Deerfield Beach High encourages students and families to come out to the meets and support the cross-country team as they make their way district-wide.