GSA today

ePathfinderFeatureMackenzie Cobbler

GSA today

Two communities on a path to understanding 

Since 2009, Deerfield Beach High School has provided its students with a safe space for all youths regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity . Led by Mr. Horne in room 132, the Gender Sexuality Alliance, or G.S.A., is a club that spreads awareness and acceptance of queer communities.

Members meet every Wednesday at 2:45 p.m. to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and join events, all in a welcoming environment. A recent event held by G.S.A. and the drama club was the movie night on November 7th. The clubs presented a Marvel movie as DBHS students could sit, eat, and enjoy each other’s company while partaking in a costume contest.

“It’s supposed to be a place for people to feel safe and like they belong,” DBHS sophomore G.S.A. officer Daniel Sasson said.

G.S.A. has had a massive impact on schools across the nation, particularly finding a home in DBHS as a club where students can communicate openly without discrimination. After school, students often play games, read books with good LGBTQ+  representation, or simply hang out together. The Gender Sexuality Alliance club looks beyond labels and allows queer and heterosexual voices an equal space to unify.

“I feel that people are starting to become more open-minded and are learning to stand up for themselves rather than stay hidden and play into the roles of society,” DBHS junior G.S.A. member Lily Ramirez said.

Although there is a long way to go in the scope of achieving complete acceptance in the LGBTQ+ community, G.S.A. follows its word of acknowledging everyone regardless of any labels. Through Mr. Horne’s efforts, the club has made great strides in opening a safe and intellectual conversation about queer youths’ place in society. G.S.A. has helped broaden the perspectives of its members through various projects.

“The LGBTQ+ are now starting to be more open and more people are accepting,” DBHS junior Kishana Jean-Louis said.

There is still much work to be done before queer  individuals will attain complete equality and respect in society. But G.S.A. is one step forward to attaining a better understanding relationship between the two different worlds.

Membership is free, although the club has optional fees of $15. All students are welcome to join as the club continues to flourish and liven DBHS with positivity.

Written by Mackenzie Cobbler  | Graphic Designed by Mackenzie Cobbler