Healing the Mind and Body

ePathfinderFeaturePerlane Antoine

Healing the Mind and Body

The Importance of Therapy Animals 

Talking to someone with a large horse in the room may be out of the ordinary for most people, but for others, it is just another day. That is where the importance of therapy animals comes into play.

Maintaining physical and mental health every day is difficult. It may be much harder for the disabled or those with certain health conditions. In some cases, a therapist might recommend pet therapy.

Animal-assisted therapy relies on the concept of human-animal bond. It describes the human desire to interact with and relate to animals. For many people, forming a bond with a friendly animal can produce a calming state in the individual. Heartening interactions with it may benefit the mind and body, which is utilized to help achieve the goals of one’s therapy.

Animal-assisted therapy may provide comfort, can alert anyone in danger, or possibly perform direct actions to aid a person’s condition if need be. It is a form of complementary or alternative therapy, which is meant to enhance but not replace other treatments. Overall, the practice strives to help people cope with various symptoms of conditions where possible.

Backed up by studies, sessions with therapy animals appear to benefit both physical and psychological health. Researchers note that these therapies can help reduce symptoms such as pain, anxiety, depression, stress, and fatigue. They may even mitigate feelings of fear or worry and inspire motivation, focus, and stimulation.

As for other disorders, pet therapy is a solution that may help plenty. Watching by the side as a family member or loved one struggles with conditions such as depression or dementia is not so easy. Using animals to help guide therapy for such issues may help them achieve the goal of their sessions. Pets might also help those suffering from aspects of conditions such as anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and more.

Therapy animals may also bring solace to those going through inconvenient situations. Some pets may sense when something is wrong, whether with the person or the surrounding environment. In other miraculous cases, they have sensed sickness or pregnancy. This somewhat superpower adds extra protection to their person and makes sure they are safe. 

Animals also find a way to assist those in the operating room. Keeping one around during surgery may increase the brain’s mental stimulation. Similar examples may include children getting dental work or taking a shot if they fear needles, receiving cancer treatment, recovery following a major stroke, etc. Having an energetic or calm animal to keep them company might help people survive the worst times in their life. 

Animals are more than the furry friends that accompany people -they are healers. They serve as an aid to those dealing with the most unfortunate circumstances. With such a vast array of benefits, it is arguable to say pets are useless or solely for display. The future of medicine is evolving, and animals are at the front lines of discovery toward helping others live the lives they deserve.

Written by Perlane Antoine | Graphic Designed by Perlane Antoine