Helping Communities

Camila BrayePathfinderFeatureJazmine Worell Bazile

Helping Communities

Places and Ways to Volunteer

A vital part of high school is giving back to communities. Volunteering is an inexpensive way to show appreciation for people and help them. Not only does it help in preparation for adulthood, but it can improve businesses. Especially during times of decreasing resources and distancing, lending a hand in any way helps.

It is easier to get involved if one knows where, how, and when to volunteer. Information comes in newspapers or by asking a friend or family member. Schools or local community centers may post events on bulletins. And online, one can find volunteering opportunities advertised on forums and websites.

With a direction in mind, next comes the activities. Volunteering can involve something as simple as tutoring or a larger project such as building homes for an organization like Habitat for Humanity. Donations are a form of volunteering as well. Through donating necessities to shelters or a blood drive, people benefit inside and outside a community. 

Maintaining a successful work is a team effort, so places such as libraries desperately need assistance. For years, they have given regulars resources, entertainment, and a peaceful atmosphere. Suffice it to say, giving back to them in the slightest act is giving back to a community that has offered plenty. Whether cleaning and sorting materials, leading fundraisers for library programming or providing technical support, much can help.

As much as animals give to humans, they deserve the same back -especially those without homes. A considerable amount of work goes into running pet shelters, so visiting a non-kill facility may make a big difference. Some may require cleaning cages, feeding animals, walking or playing with them, etc. However, it is crucial to research if the shelter is ethical before volunteering.

Giving back can be done in many inexpensive, flexible ways. Numerous places need support and offer community service hours in return. Homeless shelters, art organizations, and food pantries are just some. Local libraries, hospitals, and community centers also appreciate assistance from the outside.

Volunteer work has many benefits. In addition to having the chance to help others and pay respects to the community, it allows one to get immersed in other cultures. Glossing over the benefits of volunteer work does not do justice to the aid it could provide for others. Many things can help the communities that have given plenty to others.

Written by Jazmine Worrell-Bazile  | Graphic Designed by Camila Bray