How Social Media Affects Relationships

ePathfinderPerspectivesStacey Martinez

How Social Media Affects Relationships

Social Media’s integral part in our lives is often what destroys bonds

As important as the internet may be, there is an over-reliance on it to get through the day. And much as they keep everyone together, it also interferes or breaks relationships.

The impact of social media in daily life is much more concerning than assumed. Bloating egos, constant comparisons, internet addiction, and the forming of relationships and their destruction. In the making of connections online comes the trials of keeping a healthy one in real life.

Such trials include an overwhelming comparison to other couples online. The sight of such “perfect partners” can be discouraging. The result may be too unrealistic of expectations and conflict between lovers.

Every couple is different. Each relationship has a dynamic and chemistry that cannot be replicated or forced to change. So the same superficial image forced onto people can destroy a great bond. It is important to realize no two people are the same.

But the damages caused by social media do not end there. It also limits interaction. Online communication can be efficient for those who have no time to chat in real life or live too far. But in many cases, friends or lovers prefer texting over meeting the other who is nearby. It takes away any personal connection needed in a stable and healthy bond.

Mobile phones are useful devices, but they should stay in the pocket when visiting a loved one. It is best to enjoy that person’s company while it’s still possible. Those phones can wait until after.

However, putting away the phone is also an issue in and of itself. And the addiction to it can be just as destructive as the rest. Many couples complain about the lack of time and attention because of their partner’s dependency on the phone. Ignoring people is a habit one cannot shake once the addiction sets. It is that constant ignorance that can cause the separation of couples.

The internet is a convenient and efficient way of communicating and finding others who share interests. It can be a great tool as well as what starts the bond between people. However, it is the same thing that can break up a connection.

Social media used in the right ways can preserve a relationship. But this is done by limiting. It is good to pace the time spent on it and be aware of the other’s feelings toward it. The phone or

laptop is not worth nearly as much as a human connection. Every bond is not something found anywhere with anyone else. So a few breaks and some consideration can keep a spark going.

Written by Stacy Martinez | Graphic Designed by Stacy Martinez